Fourth Generation

31. Dahlia Leona "Della" SONNENBURG was born on 21 October 1911 in Monroe County, WI.4,9,37 (Her given name is spelled "Dahla" in the Birth Registration Index.) She appeared in the census in 1920 in Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.4 She appeared in the census in 1930 in Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.7 Della died about 2000 at the age of 89.18

Dahlia Leona "Della" SONNENBURG and Arnold Albert NAUMANN were married on 24 November 1932.18,37 They had two children. Arnold Albert NAUMANN, son of Johannes Wilhelm NAUMANN and Bertha Anna SCHULTZ, was born on 4 December 1901 in Adrian Township, Monroe County, WI.37,38 He was baptized on 8 May 1902 in Ridgeville Township, Monroe County, WI.38 He appeared in the census in 1910 in Adrian Township, Monroe County, WI.6 Arnold died on 12 March 1953 at the age of 51.37