Fourteenth Generation

486. Janelle Marie VANDERVORT (`) (~) was born on 10 October 1953 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.27,296,410

Janelle Marie VANDERVORT (`) (~) and Kenneth Michael "Ken" DVORAK were married on 26 August 1978 in Sparta, Sparta Township, Monroe County, WI.161,297,410 Kenneth Michael "Ken" DVORAK was born on 9 May 1957 in Wausau, Maine Township, Marathon County, WI.297

Janelle Marie VANDERVORT (`) (~) and Kenneth Michael "Ken" DVORAK had the following children:



William Robert "Will" DVORAK was born on 14 April 1989 in San Ignacio Misiones, Paraguay.27,410 He was adopted on 28 May 1989 in Asuncion, Paraguay.297



Conor Lawrence DVORAK was born on 1 November 1990 in Asuncion, Paraguay.27,410 He was adopted on 28 August 1992 in Asuncion, Paraguay.297