Sixth Generation

176. Corliss Jean NIELSEN121 was born on 7 July 1940 in Blaine County, MT.

Corliss Jean NIELSEN and Harold Albert LIETZ were married on 17 September 1960. They were divorced on 6 November 1968. Harold Albert LIETZ121, son of Albert John LIETZ and Gertrude May STRAIGHT, was born on 10 February 1934 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.71

Corliss Jean NIELSEN and Harold Albert LIETZ had the following children:



Coleen Lay LIETZ.



Beverly Ann LIETZ.

Corliss Jean NIELSEN and Willis Luther CARR were married on 7 February 1969 in Bonners Ferry, Boundary County, ID. Willis Luther CARR121 was born on 25 February 1929 in Sheridan, Sheridan County, WY.

Corliss Jean NIELSEN and Willis Luther CARR had the following children:



Willis Corlys CARR.