Seventh Generation

286. Wendy Sue MOHAR121 was born on 30 June 1975 in Havre, Hill County, MT.

Wendy Sue MOHAR and Kevin W. VAN VALKENGURG were married on 11 March 1994 in Turner, Blaine County, MT. Kevin W. VAN VALKENGURG121 was born on 27 May 1974 in Havre, Hill County, MT.

Wendy Sue MOHAR and Kevin W. VAN VALKENGURG had the following children:



Aaron Austin VAN VALKENGURG121 was born on 9 August 1994 in Havre, Hill County, MT.



Bret Michael VAN VALKENGURG121 was born on 19 September 1997 in Havre, Hill County, MT.