Eleventh Generation

288. Medad ROOT Sr. was born on 29 December 1735 in Coventry Township, Tolland County, Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America.14 He appeared in the census in 1810 in Coventry Township, Tolland County, CT.73 (There was a Medad Root listed in the 1810 Census of Coventry, Tolland County, CT. That was believed to be him. The household consisted of 1 male, age 16-25; 2 males, age 45 and over; 2 females, age 26 through 44; and 1 female, age 45 and over.) He died on 11 February 1812 at the age of 76.14

Medad ROOT Sr. and Rhoda CURTIS were married on 17 November 1763 in Connecticut.14 Rhoda CURTIS, daughter of Henry CURTIS and Silence JANES, was born about 1743 in Coventry Township, Tolland County, CT.14 She died on 10 March 1786 at the age of 43.14

Medad ROOT Sr. and Rhoda CURTIS had the following children:



Benjamin ROOT (1st) was born on 17 December 1763 in Coventry Township, Tolland County, Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America.14 He died in Coventry Township, Tolland County, CT.14



Jonathan ROOT was born on 11 January 1765 in Coventry Township, Tolland County, Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America.14 He died on 11 January 1765 at the age of 0 in Coventry Township, Tolland County, Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America.14



Simeon ROOT was born on 12 January 1766 in Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America.14 He died about 1823 at the age of 57 in Westmoreland Township, Suffolk County, NY.14



Medad ROOT Jr..



Rhoda ROOT.



Elizabeth ROOT.



Jemima ROOT.



Eunice ROOT was born about 1780 in Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America.14 She appeared in the census in 1850 in Coventry Township, Tolland County, CT.76 She died on 20 March 1864 at the age of 84 in Coventry Township, Tolland County, CT.14



Benjamin ROOT (2nd).

Medad ROOT Sr. and Anne Gurley DIMMICK were married on 15 March 1787.14 Anne Gurley DIMMICK, daughter of Timothy DIMMICK and Desire DIMMICK, was born on 15 September 1754 in Coventry Township, Tolland County, Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America.14,77 She died on 12 July 1822 at the age of 67 in Coventry Township, Tolland County, CT.14,77 She was buried in Coventry Township, Tolland County, CT.77 in the Nathan Hale Cemetery.