Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Third Generation3. Some information about the Mayflower: DEPARTURE: The Mayflower embarked from Southampton, England on 5 August 1620. She was subsequently forced into Dartmouth (England) because her consort ship, the Speedwell, was leaking. After mending, the Mayflower set sail about 22 August 1620 but was again forced back, this time to Plymouth (England), because of problems with the Speedwell. The Speedwell was abandoned at this point, twenty of her passengers returning home and the remaining compacting onto the Mayflower. The Mayflower left Plymouth, England on September 6, 1620. ARRIVAL: The Mayflower crew sighted land off Cape Cod on November 9, 1620, and first landfall was made November 11, 1620. DISTANCE AND TIME: The voyage from Plymouth, England to Plymouth Harbor (Massachusetts) is about 2,750 miles, and took the Mayflower 66 days to cover that distance. The Mayflower's return voyage, incidentally, only took a month. NUMBER OF PASSENGERS: The Mayflower left England with 102 passengers, including three pregnant women, and a crew of unknown number (approximately 25 to 30). While the Mayflower was at sea, Elizabeth Hopkins gave birth to a son which she named Oceanus. After the Mayflower had arrived and was anchored in Provincetown Harbor off the tip of Cape Cod, Susanna White gave birth to a son, which she named Peregrine (which means "one who has made a journey"). The Mayflower then sailed across the bay and anchored in Plymouth Harbor. There, Mary Allerton gave birth to a stillborn son. One passenger died while the Mayflower was at sea--a youth named William Butten, a servant-apprentice to Dr. Samuel Fuller. The death occurred just three days before land was sighted. One Mayflower crew member also died at sea, but his name is not known. George Soule was a Plymouth volunteer for the Pequot War in 1637.
The Will of George Soule: "In the Name of God Amen I Gorge Soule senir of Duxberry in the Collonie of New Plymouth in New England being aged and weake of body but of a sound mind and Memory praised be God Doe make this my last Will and Testament in Manor and forme following Imprimis I comitt my soule into the hands of Almighty God whoe Gave it and my body to be Decently buried in the place appointed for that use whensoever hee shall please to take mee hence; and for the Disposall of my outward estate which God of his Goodnes hath Given mee first I have and alreddy formerly by Deeds under my hand and seale Given unto my two sonnes Nathaniel: and Gorge All my lands in the Township of Dartmouth; Item I have formerly Given unto my Daughters Elizabeth and Patience all my lands in the Township of Middleberry Item I Give and bequeath unto my Daughters Sussannah and Mary twelve pence a peece to be payed by my executer heerafter Named after my Decease; And forasmuch as my Eldest son John Soule and his family hath in my extreame old age and weaknes bin tender and carefull of mee and very healpfull to mee; and is likely soe to be while it shall please God to continew my life heer therfore I give and bequeath unto my said son John Soule all the Remainder of my housing and lands whatsoever to him his heires and Assignes for ever Item I Give and bequeath unto my son John Soule all my Goods And Chattles whatsoever Item I Nominate And appoint my son John Soule to be my sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament; and lastly I Doe heerby make Null and voyde all other and former wills and Testaments by mee att Any time made; and Declare this Instrument to be my last Will and Testament In Witnes wherof I the said Gorge Soule have heerunto sett my hand and seale this eleventh Day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred seaventy and seaven; Gorge Soule and a seale The above Named Gorge Soule Did signe seale and Deliver this Instrument to be his Last Will and Testament in the prsence of us Nathaniell Thomas The Marke D T of Deborah Thomas
Gorge Soule and A seal The above Named George Soule Did Signe and seale to this addition in the prsence of us Nathaniel Thomas The Marke D T of Deborah Thomas" George was buried on 1 February 1680 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.2 He has Ancestral File Number 83QH-3B.2 George SOULE Sr. (-) (<) (`) (`~) and Mary BECKETT were married about 1622 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.3,4,5 George SOULE Sr. (-) (<) (`) (`~) and Mary BECKETT had the following children: