Eighteenth Generation

183. Martha A. BRIDGERS was born in 1839 in Conway, Northampton County, NC. (She may have been born in 1841.) She appeared in the census in 1850 in Northampton County, NC. She was living with her father and step-mother. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Northampton County, NC. She was living with her father and step-mother. Her occupation was "Seamstress." Martha appeared in the census in 1870 in Wiccacanee Township, Northampton County, NC. She was living with her father and step-mother and had "No Occupation." She appeared in the census in 1880 in Wiccacanee Township, Northampton County, NC. She was living with her father. She died on 18 January 1931 at the age of 92 in Kirby Township, Northampton County, NC. She was listed as an invalid on her Death Certificate.

Martha A. BRIDGERS and Edward HARRIS were married. Edward HARRIS died before 1931.