Fifth Generation

23. Lawrence Albert PRELL was born on 3 October 1911 in Oakdale Township, Monroe County, WI. He was confirmed in 1926 in Oakdale, Oakdale Township, Monroe County, WI. He died on 4 June 2005 at the age of 93. Lawrence was buried on 8 June 2005 in Oakdale Township, Monroe County, WI. in the Oakdale Cemetery.

Lawrence Albert PRELL and Georgia Lucille SCHOOT were married on 18 June 1941 in Shennington, Byron Township, Monroe County, WI. at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. They had 3 sons and 2 daughters. Georgia Lucille SCHOOT, daughter of Arthur SCHOOT and Marie SCHMECKEL, was born on 22 February 1916 in Oakdale Township, Monroe County, WI. Before 1941 she was a school teacher in Oakdale, Kirby and at St. John's Lutheran School, Tomah. She died on 27 November 2000 at the age of 84 in Sparta, Sparta Township, Monroe County, WI. Georgia was buried on 30 November 2000 in Oakdale, Oakdale Township, Monroe County, WI. in the Oakdale Cemetery.

Lawrence Albert PRELL and Georgia Lucille SCHOOT had the following children:



Marilyn Corrine PRELL.



LaMont Paul PRELL.



Janith Marie "Jan" PRELL.



George Arthur PRELL.



Ellis Donn PRELL.