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23. Plutarch P. TAYLOR was born on 29 January 1817 in Montgomery County, NY.55 He appeared in the census in 1850 in Waukesha, Waukesha County, WI.26 His occupation was "Farmer." He appeared in the census in 1860 in Waukesha Township, Waukesha County, WI.57 His occupation was "Farmer." Plutarch appeared in the census in 1870 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI.58 His occupation was "Farmer."
He appeared in the census in 1880 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI.59 His given name was listed as "P. P." and his occupation was "Farmer." From an article entitled "Under One Roof," by "SirFritz" on Ancestry.com: "On Tuesday, the 29th day of January, 1895, there occurred a family reunion in the city of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, so grand and perfect in every detail that it seemed almost wonderful to all concerned. It was a reunion of the entire family of our old townsman, P. P. Taylor. It was held at the residence of his youngest daughter, Mrs. N. J. Powell (Alice) of this city, and as near to the spot where the dear departed mother now rests as possible. It was all gotten up in the short space of less than a week. Mr. Taylor while yet at Beloit wrote Mrs. Powell that he had selected her home to celebrate his 78th birthday. Then Mrs. Powell conceived the idea of getting the widely scattered dear ones all together once more in the beloved father's life. So letters and telegrams went flying from town to town, and state to state, with invitations that admitted of no delays or regrets. So each one, acting on the impulse, took a hasty lunch, caught up a grip, and boarded the first train for Oconomowoc. As the father grows young and hearty, with a face shining with glad delight welcomed each one until the list was complete, five boys and five girls, and the little black Powell horse made every train until all had been gathered in, and each time the arrivals were greeted with glad shouts to keep back the tears of gladness that would spring to each eye, until John, who had been gone sixteen years, arrived, then sobs took the place of shouts for a time, until smiles of gladness rested on each face as Miss Alice Churchill commenced playing the grand march, and all repaired to the dining room to partake of the elegant dinner which was contributed by Mrs. Mary Turner of Fort Atkinson, Mrs. Sarah Churchill of North Prairie and Mrs. Powell. The room was tastefully decorated, and in the center of the long table, spread for eighteen, was a large cake with the inscription in candy, 'Father, aged 78 years 1895.' When all were seated each head was bowed low while Fred, the next to the youngest, yet the largest of all, asked the Divine blessing on all and for all, after which the eldest son, Schuyler M., arose and read an original poem written for the occasion." . He died on 12 June 1897 at the age of 80 in Wisconsin.55 Plutarch P. TAYLOR and Esther CRAWFORD were married before 1840.55,60 (He and his family cannot be located in the 1840 Census in New York or Wisconsin.) Esther CRAWFORD was born about 1822 in New York.55 (According to the 1880 Census, her parents were born in New York.) She appeared in the census in 1850 in Waukesha, Waukesha County, WI.26 She appeared in the census in 1860 in Waukesha Township, Waukesha County, WI.57 Esther appeared in the census in 1870 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI.58 She appeared in the census in 1880 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI.59 She died about 1881 at the age of 59 in Wisconsin.55 Esther was buried in Oconomowoc, Waukesha County, WI. Plutarch P. TAYLOR and Esther CRAWFORD had the following children: 61 | i. | Susan E. TAYLOR was born about 1840 in New York.55 She appeared in the census in 1850 in Waukesha, Waukesha County, WI.26 She appeared in the census in 1860 in Waukesha Township, Waukesha County, WI.57 | 62 | ii. | Mary E. TAYLOR was born about 1841 in Wisconsin.55,57 She appeared in the census in 1850 in Waukesha, Waukesha County, WI.26 She appeared in the census in 1860 in Waukesha Township, Waukesha County, WI.57 Mary appeared in the census in 1870 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI.58 She was living with her parents. | 63 | iii. | M. S. Schuyler TAYLOR was born about 1843 in Wisconsin.55 She appeared in the census in 1850 in Waukesha, Waukesha County, WI.26 She appeared in the census in 1860 in Waukesha Township, Waukesha County, WI.57 His occupation was "Farmer." | 64 | iv. | Deborah TAYLOR was born about 1845 in Wisconsin.55 She appeared in the census in 1850 in Waukesha, Waukesha County, WI.26 She appeared in the census in 1860 in Waukesha Township, Waukesha County, WI.57 | 65 | v. | Sarah E. TAYLOR was born about 1847 in Wisconsin.55 She appeared in the census in 1850 in Waukesha, Waukesha County, WI.26 She appeared in the census in 1860 in Waukesha Township, Waukesha County, WI.57 | +66 | vi. | Alice A. TAYLOR. | 67 | vii. | John TAYLOR was born about 1854 in Wisconsin.55 He appeared in the census in 1860 in Waukesha Township, Waukesha County, WI.57 He appeared in the census in 1870 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI.58 | 68 | viii. | Matthew TAYLOR was born about 1856 in Wisconsin.55 He appeared in the census in 1860 in Waukesha Township, Waukesha County, WI.57 He appeared in the census in 1870 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI.58 | 69 | ix. | Fred C. TAYLOR was born about 1859 in Wisconsin.55 He appeared in the census in 1860 in Waukesha Township, Waukesha County, WI.57 He appeared in the census in 1870 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI.58 Fred appeared in the census in 1880 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI.59 He was living with his parents and his occupation was "Farm Laborer." | 70 | x. | George C. TAYLOR was born about 1863 in Wisconsin.55 He appeared in the census in 1870 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI.58 He appeared in the census in 1880 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI. | 71 | xi. | Nettie TAYLOR was born about 1863 in Wisconsin.55 She appeared in the census in 1870 in Summit Township, Waukesha County, WI.58 |