Tenth Generation

24. Hazel Irene HESER (`) (~) was born on 18 July 1894 in Monroe County, WI.13,24,27 She died on 21 May 1925 at the age of 30 in Monroe County, WI.24,27,43

Obituary Notes: "This community was deeply grieved when word was received from Statesan, Wis., of the death of Mrs. Archie Moseley, which occurred at that place on May 21st. Mrs. Moseley’s first indications of failing health appeared in June 1923, and on May 18, 1924, she entered the sanitorium where she was taking treatments in order that she might regain her health. She has made some progress towards recovery and had planned on returning to her home and family for a short period of time, but complications developed which caused her unexpected death. Everything that doctors and nurses could do was done for her there and by her relatives and friends from her neighborhood, for her comfort.
Hazel Irene Heser was born in the Township of LaGrange on July 18, 1894, and passed away at Statesan on May 23, 1925, at the age of 30 years, 11 months and 21 days. On April 8, 1914. She was united in marriage to Archie F. Moseley and to this union two sons were born: Virgil aged 10 years, and Lyle aged 6 years. Her married life was spent on a farm in this vicinity. In 1924 she made an expression of her faith in Jesus Christ and accepted Him as her personal Saviour, and became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, Waukesha, Wis.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, two sons, four brothers and three sisters, viz: Albert of Sparta; Wallace, Leon, Oscar, Arlys, Vila, Doris, all on the home farm in the township of La Grange; besides a large concourse of friends. The funeral was held from the Legion Hall on Sunday, May 24, Rev. G. H. Willett of the Methodist church, Tomah, and Rev. Johnson, of the Baptist church of this place, officiated in the Warrens cemetery. From this vicinity a kind and loving mother and neighbor has been called away to eternal rest."
Kirby: "Nearly everyone of this community attended the funeral of Mrs. Archie Moseley on Sunday."
She was buried in Warrens, Lincoln Township, Monroe County, WI.63 in the Warren Mills Cemetery.

Hazel Irene HESER (`) (~) and Archie Fulton MOSELEY were married on 8 April 1914 in Monroe County, WI.27 Archie Fulton MOSELEY, son of Daniel Thomas MOSELEY and Sarah MUSSON, was born on 19 June 1889 in Lincoln Township, Monroe County, WI.27,37,43,64 (He was listed as "Archie Fay" in the Birth Registration Index.) He appeared in the census in 1900 in Lincoln Township, Monroe County, WI.13 He appeared in the census in 1910 in Lincoln Township, Monroe County, WI.14 Archie appeared in the census in 1930 in Lincoln Township, Monroe County, WI.32 He and his family were living with his mother and his occupation was "Farmer, Poultry Farm." He died on 20 June 1968 at the age of 79 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.27,64 He was buried in Warrens, Lincoln Township, Monroe County, WI.63 in the Warren Mills Cemetery.

Hazel Irene HESER (`) (~) and Archie Fulton MOSELEY had the following children:



Vergil Archie "Verg" MOSELEY (`) (~).



Burton Lyle MOSELEY (`) (~) was born on 16 March 1919 in Monroe County, WI.24,37 He appeared in the census in 1930 in Lincoln Township, Monroe County, WI.32