Fifteenth Generation

61. William James GOFF was born on 18 August 1846 in YorkvilleTownship, Racine County, WI.4 He appeared in the census in 1850 in YorkvilleTownship, Racine County, WI.19 He appeared in the census in 1860 in YorkvilleTownship, Racine County, WI.33 William died on 12 September 1909 at the age of 63 in Rockford, Rockford Township, Winnebago County, IL.4,32

Obituary Notes: "William died 12 Sep. 1909 in Rockford, Ill. 'DEATH OF WM. J. GOFF--Salesman For Wheeler Lumber Company Expires After Long Illness. William James Goff, a salesman for the Wheeler Lumber company of this city, died at 5:15 Sunday morning at his home, 223 North Third street. Mr. Goff had for weeks been suffering from stomach trouble and Bright's disease.

He was born in Yorkville, Wis. Aug. 18, 1846, and resided in that state the greater part of his life. He was married to Emma J. Ball in 1872 and in 1901 moved to Rockford.

Mr. Goff is survived by his wife, and three daughters, Dell J. Goff, of this city, Mrs. Louis A. Belden of Roscoe and Mrs. Alvin L. Baker of Honey Creek, Wis., and a son, William J. R. Goff. A brother resides in Topeka, Kan.

Funeral arrangements have not been definitely arranged, as the two absent daughters and his brother have not arrived. The pall bearers were selected from his Bible class. They are Messrs. Wilbur, Robieson, Dr. Boyle, Waterman, Rider, and Hoover."

William James GOFF and Emma Jane BALL were married on 13 November 1872 in Burlington, Racine County, WI.4,32

"Their children's birth registration records show he was engaged in the following occupations: Agent 1877, Bookkeeper 1883, Lumberman 1893. In 1878-9 he was in sales... On 12 December 1878 'Local News... Mr. J. W. Goff, of Burlington, has placed on our table a bottle of Dr. Shepard's Ointment, which he is now selling... Mr. Goff's word is sufficient to convince us of its superiority.' 'Mr. James W. Goff, of Burlington, has taken the agency of the Singer Sewing Machine for the territory formerly occupied by Mr. F. H. Grube, and will keep an office to exhibit machines in the Drug Store of H. Stoetzer, Burlington. Machine attachments, Extras, oil, needles, etc., consistently on hand. Mr. Goff will also continue to take orders for fruit and ornamental trees and shrubbery, until time to make his spring delivery'......'The phonograph is no longer among the things that are unknown to this community. On Wednesday evening it was exhibited at the Baptist church by Messrs. Peck and Goff before an audience that was as large in proportion as it was eager in its curiosity. Mr. Peck introduced the garrulous instrument with a little sketch of Mr. Edison, the inventor. Most of our readers no doubt know it. The phonograph itself is very simple in construction: a cylinder, a strip of tinfoil, a crank, a diaphragm and needle, together with a mouth piece and funnel, constitute this wonderful machine.

'The tests made by the exhibitors justified all that is claimed for it. It reproduces every kind of sound or noise that enters the mouth-piece -- not very loud, to be sure, but strongly accurate in all details. The audience were amused with the tests, which were various, and embraced everything from whistling to cornet playing, and from "Jack and Jill," to Halleck's version of Bozzaria' cheer to his band.

'A number of magic lantern views finished the entertainment. The German M. E. Church, for whose benefit this exhibition was given, realized, as we are told, considerable from the receipts.' "

Emma Jane BALL was born on 5 June 1854 in Burlington, Racine County, WI.4 She died on 19 June 1948 at the age of 94 in Beloit, Beloit Township, Rock County, WI.4

William James GOFF and Emma Jane BALL had the following children:



Clara Lovisa GOFF.



Blanche Emma GOFF.



Della Jane GOFF was born on 24 April 1883.32 She died on 7 February 1917 at the age of 33 in Rockford, Rockford Township, Winnebago County, IL.32



William James Romanzo "Will" GOFF.