Fourth Generation

40. Hilda Rosemma BLADO was born on 30 December 1906 in Monroe County, WI.7,23 She graduated in 1926 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.83 from Tomah High School. She appeared in the census in 1930 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.10 Hilda died in 1987 at the age of 81.26,40 She was buried in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.40 in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

Hilda Rosemma BLADO and Hollis BEEDE were married on 5 November 1939.7 Hollis BEEDE was born in 1912.40 He died in 1981 at the age of 69.40 He was buried in 1981 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.40 in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

Hilda Rosemma BLADO and Harold SOWLE were married about 1928.10 Harold SOWLE, son of Harold Burdette SOWLE and Mabel "Maude" MANLEY, was born on 22 April 1909 in Monroe County, WI.10,23 He appeared in the census in 1910 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.15 He appeared in the census in 1930 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.10 (He was living with his wife and her parents during the 1930 Census.) Harold died before May 2012 at the age of 103.84