Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Thirteenth Generation813. From an advertisement of the St. Regis Paper Company: "The largest timber purchase in history gave birth to St. Regis here in Tacoma. The option to buy 80,000 acres of timberland from the Northern Pacific Railroad had brought Colonel Chauncey Wright Griggs, Henry Hewitt, Jr., and his brother-in-law Charles Jones to the Tacoma Hotel in 1887. It was there that they first agreed to pool their resources and Midwest lumbering experience, and move West. So in May 1888, the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company was born. Just about everything concerned with this venture was innovative. Not only was the mill the largest in the Pacific Northwest, sawing over a million board feet a day, but it was the first bandsaw mill on the Pacific Coast. And, finally, the mill was built on pilings on the Tacoma tideflats, and that was thought downright impossible. It wasn't...it was just another first. Later, Colonel Griggs and the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company came up with many more innovations for the industry. They developed tree farming techniques years before America's first tree farm was founded at Clemons. They also developed kilns to dry hemlock lumber, and were the first to merchandise hemlock lumber nationally." . He appeared in the census in 1900 in Tacoma, Pierce County, WA.532 His household was at 401 North Tacoma Avenue and his occupation was "Lumber Manufacturer." Chauncey appeared in the census in 1910 in Tacoma, Pierce County, WA.533 His household was at 401 North Tacoma Avenue and his occupation was "Manufacturer, Lumber." Living in his household with him and his wife were 2 servants, 3 nurses, a chauffeur and a cook. He died on 29 October 1910 at the age of 77 in Tacoma, Pierce County, WA.79,534,535 Obituary Notes: "The Funeral of Col. C. W. Griggs of this city who died on Saturday morning at the age of 78 years was held this afternoon. Col. Griggs was for many years one of the most noted figures in the business and political life of the state. He came here in the 90's from St Paul. He was involved with timber and lumber, St. Paul and Tacoma Co."
Colonel Chauncey Wright GRIGGS and Martha Ann GALLUP were married on 19 April 1859 in Detroit, Wayne County, MI.79,127,405 From left to right are: Heartie D. (wife of Dr. George C. Wagner), Everett G.; Herbert S.; Theodore D.; Chauncey Milton (called Milton), and Anna B. Milton was the oldest son and Anna the youngest child in the family. Col. Chauncey W. Griggs was one of the founders, in 1888, of the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., and served as its first president continously until 1908 when he became chairman of the board of trustees. He died in October of 1910. (Major) Everett Gallup Griggs succeeded his father as president of the firm." . Colonel Chauncey Wright GRIGGS and Martha Ann GALLUP had the following children: