Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Second Generation13. Nor can he be located in the 1860 Census. The 1860 Census for Queensbury, Warren County, NY contains a listing for a Hiram Griswold, age 19, in the household of Eliphalet Harris, a Lumberman. That may have been him, although the age was not an exact fit. He appeared in the census in 1855 in Angelica Township, Allegany County, NY.23 He was living in the household of Jesse and Harriet Evans, and was listed as a "Brother-in-Law." Harriet was his sister. Between 1862 and 1867 Hiram was in Byersville, Livingston County, NY.11 He was an apprentice carpenter. About 1870 he was a farmer in Ridgeville Township, Monroe County, WI.10,11,58 Hiram's book about family members includes a letter that his niece, Carrie Griswold, wrote to him on June 15, 1878, after he had lived with them around 1870. She mentioned that "I have given up the idea of getting married as I shall have you to take care of." She was 19 when she wrote the letter. Also included in his book is a copy of a letter that he wrote to Carrie on July 4, 1908, about his stay with her family. He mentioned the "differences that existed between your father and myself while I was there." He later mentioned that "I was unable to understand how to meet with his idea of the best way of doing matters of business, yet not withstanding this difference I always respected and admired his superior judgment in all things." He was living in Michigan at the time of the death of his brother Samuel H. in 1902. At the time of the death of his sister Mary in 1905, he was living in Fulton, MI. Hiram appeared in the census in 1880 in Brady Township, Kalamazoo County, MI.53 He was living with his step-niece, Henriette Gage, and her family. His occupation was "Farmer." He appeared in the census in 1900 in Fulton, Wakeshma Township, Kalamazoo County, MI.54 His occupation was "Farmer." He lived at his home in Fulton, Wakeshma Township, Kalamazoo County, MI about 1908.9,10,11 Hiram's book, "Obituaries of Friends and Relatives and Miscellaneous Items" was published at his home in Fulton, Michigan, in 1908. The book is in the possession of Beverly Griggs Drew's daughter, Jan. Hiram appeared in the census in 1910 in Fulton, Wakeshma Township, Kalamazoo County, MI.96 His household consisted of Hiram, age 71; his wife, Ida, age 51; their son Jesse, age 14; and his wife's mother, Nancy M. Murray, age 78, a widow. He died on 19 June 1918 at the age of 79 in Fulton, Wakeshma Township, Kalamazoo County, MI.10,97 (He wrote his book about family obituaries and other items in 1908. The book included a copy of a letter that he had written to his niece, Carrie Griswold Griggs, on July 4, 1908. He was alive during the 1910 Census, but in the 1920 Census his wife was listed as a widow.) Hiram Hector GRISWOLD and Ida Isabel MURRAY were married on 14 March 1886 in Vicksburg, Kalamazoo County, MI.54,99 Hiram Hector GRISWOLD and Ida Isabel MURRAY had the following children: