Second Generation

2. Wilhelm Friedrich "William" KASTENS Sr. was born on 10 April 1864 in Sulinger, Hannover (now Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony)) Province, Preussen (Prussia).2,3 He emigrated in 1882 from Solingen, Nordrhein-Westfalen Province, Preussen (Prussia).2 He appeared in the census in 1930 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.4 He was living with his daughter Sophia and her husband and family. William died on 3 November 1934 at the age of 70 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.5 He was buried in Warrens, Lincoln Township, Monroe County, WI.5 in the Warren Mills Cemetery.

Wilhelm Friedrich "William" KASTENS Sr. and Maria Sophia "Elise" RIECKMAN were married on 7 December 1888 in Barre Mills, Barre Township, La Crosse County, WI.2,3,6 Maria Sophia "Elise" RIECKMAN was born on 7 January 1866 in Kirchdorf, Hannover (now Neidersachsen (Lower Saxony)) Province, Preussen (Prussia).2,3 She emigrated in 1866 from Kirchdorf, Hannover (now Neidersachsen (Lower Saxony)) Province, Preussen (Prussia).2 She died in 1919 at the age of 53.5 Elise was buried in Warrens, Lincoln Township, Monroe County, WI.5 in the Warren Mills Cemetery.

Wilhelm Friedrich "William" KASTENS Sr. and Maria Sophia "Elise" RIECKMAN had the following children:



Elise Maria "Lizzie" KASTENS was born on 26 February 1888.3 (She was actually the daughter of William's sister, Minnie.) She died on 2 March 1976 at the age of 88.3



Sophia Marie KASTENS.



Maria Sophia "Mayme" KASTENS was born on 7 March 1893.3 She died on 22 July 1966 at the age of 73.3



William Frederich KASTENS Jr..



Emma Ella KASTENS.