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July 12, 2021. "Ladislava, My wife's mother's grandfather was Karel Kucera, born 2 Nov 1847 in the Plzen Region and died 16 Oct 1893 in Baltimore. His wife was Katerina, born 16 Dec 1853 in the Plzen Region and died 28 Apr 1928 in Baltimore. They married in Bohemia in about 1872 and emigrated to America in about 1886. Their son Josef was born in Mar 1882 in Prestice. Do you have any information on Karel or his parents? Thank you very much for any possible help that you can offer." Gary Griggs, Pawleys Island, South Carolina July 18, 2021. "Greetings. I am happy to share the information we were able to find out. The husband's father's name was Jan Kučera, born on 16 September 1922 in Městec Králové and died on 29 November 2011 in Beroun. As a small child, he moved with his parents from Městec Králové to Beroun. His father and my husband's grandfather's name was Antonín Kučera, he was born on 27 May 1881 in Městec Králové and died on 30 June 1932 in Beroun. Antonín's father's name was Karel Kučera, according to the registry he was born on August 14, 1845 in Vienna, Austria--then Austria-Hungary. On February 4, 1872, he married Kateřina Eliášová in Městec Králové. He lived in the house no. 63 in Městec Králové, worked as a master butcher. He died on June 5, 1929 in Městec Králové. We have information about Karel's parents only from the marriage certificate of Karel and Kateřina. It states that Karl's father's name was František Kučera and he was a weaver in Vienna and his mother was Marie Skokan also from Vienna. There are no dates or other more precise data about parents, and we have not been able to find out anything else yet. In the available old registers we also managed to find the birth certificates of Karel's children, among others a son, who was also called Karel Kučera; he was born on July 2, 1876 in Městec Králové, but we did not look for further information about him. The surname Kučera is relatively common in the Czech Republic, so searching is not easy. We believe that we are not related, but we wish you success in the search for your ancestors." Ladislava Kučerová, Kublov, Czech Republic July 20, 2021. "Ladislava. Thank you very much for your reply. We will keep searching for our Karel and hopefully will find someone who has some information about him and his ancestors. Someday, my wife and I hope to come to Czechia so that she can see the places where her ancestors lived. Her father's ancestors were named Srp/Srb and came from Drahoňův Újezd. We have traced that family back to Jakub Srb, who was born about 1610 in Zvikovec. but then his descendants moved to the Drahonuv Ujezd and Jablecno areas. We lived in Germany from 1963-1966 when I was in the U.S. Air Force, and we went back in 2016 to visit friends near Koln. We should have taken more time and gone to your country. Take care and best wishes." Gary August 1, 2021. "Greetings Gary, we also managed to find interesting information about our ancestors. Old registry books are freely available online, sometimes searching is not easy, but we managed to find information that we did not know before. We have the oldest record from around 1400 discovered by my brother, which is quite a catch. From that time there are (if preserved) records only of people who were somehow important, usually the registries were not kept. Inventories of property and similar information have also been preserved in some places, but only experts are familiar with them. We have obtained the oldest information about our ancestors from the old chronicle of the aristocratic Elsnitz family, which comes from Germany. The ancestor left for Bohemia because, as a robber knight, he had problems in Germany. He bought Lemberk Castle in Bohemia. The Elsnitz family currently lives in Všetaty, the castle no longer belongs to them, they moved in various ways. We also confirmed our relationship with the writer Josef Jungmann and the painter Karel Šnobl. I mainly search for the ancestors of my husband, the Kučera family, and my brother is looking for the ancestors of our parents. We already have more than 1000 people in this second family tree. The region around Jablečno and Drahoňův Újezd is my father's birth region; his name was Ladislav Kára, but he is no longer alive. He came from the village of Týček; it is a neighboring village from Jablečno. When he and my mother got married, he moved with her to the village of Kublov, which is less than 20 km away from Jablečno. Our family still lives here, I all my life, and my husband moved in. It is region with beautiful nature, if you ever come, you will definitely not be disappointed. Beautiful forests, historical monuments, castles and chateaux, romantic river Berounka, no industry. The nature and beauty of the surroundings led me to paint, if you are interested, check out my website at www.obrazylk.cz. My son helps me with it and also with translations to English, which is why the answers take me so long :). My generation was forced to learn Russian. When searching for my own ancestors in publicly accessible archives of old registers, I tried to find records for you as well. Information from Western Bohemia can be found at www.portafontium.eu. I might have been successful and I am sending four links that probably relate to the ancestors you are looking for. https://www.portafontium.eu/iipimage/30067692/prestice-42_2570-n?x=290&y=133&w=531&h=186 Record of the birth of Josef Jakub Kučera. It is written there that he was born on February 24, 1882 in Přeštice No. 284. Father, Karel Kučera, baker from Přeštice No. 284, son of Ondřej Kučera, postřihač (sheep wool processing) from Přeštice no. 284 a and his wife Františka - maiden name Krt from Přeštice (house number not given). Mother Kateřina, daughter of Josef Kirchman a baker from Litice and his wife Markéta - maiden name Šiberka (this surname does not completely match on other documents) also from Litice (house number not given). On February 26, he was baptized, his godfather was Jakub Jedlička, a tailor from Přeštice, and so he had the second name Jakub after his godfather.
Record of the wedding of Karel and Kateřina. The exact date of the wedding is September 3, 1872. The first line in the record is a Latin record of the inspection of the registry book and has nothing to do with the wedding.
Record of the wedding of Ondřej Kučera and Františka Krt. The wedding took place on November 6, 1837, it is a corrected record at the bottom right. Written there is: The groom - Ondřej Kučera, hairdresser, adult son of Magdalena Kučera, a single mother, daughter of Jan Kučera (our son has the same name), a miller in Beňov near Klatovy. The groom was born on January 8, 1810 in Beňov near Klatovy. The bride - Františka was not of legal age, she was 20 years old. From this, it is possible to deduce when she was born. The record is corrected, the corrections are easy to read, but I can't read the record regarding other information about the bride. It is in Czech, but I cannot decipher the manuscript and the old spelling, I would need an expert who is familiar with it. Certainly there is the residence of the parents and the employment of the father. The sentence below is the father's consent, which was needed in the case of a minor bride. If there is a problem with the links, I could send you everything by email. I wish you good luck in further searches." Ladislava Kučerová ladena.kucerova@seznam.cz
Plzeň was first mentioned as a castle in 976, as the scene of a battle between Duke Boleslaus II the Pious of Bohemia and Emperor Otto II. It became a town in 1295 when King Wenceslaus II granted Plzeň its civic charter as a "Royal City" and established a new town site, some 10 km (6 mi) away from the original settlement, which is the current town of Starý Plzenec. It quickly became an important town on trade routes leading to Nuremberg and Regensburg; in the 14th century, it was the third-largest town in Bohemia after Prague and Kutná Hora. During the Hussite Wars, it was the centre of Catholic resistance to the Hussites: Prokop the Great unsuccessfully besieged it three times, and it joined the league of Catholic nobles against King George of Podebrady. In 1468, the town acquired a printing press; the Trojan Chronicle (Kronika trojánská in Czech), the first book published in Bohemia, was printed on it. Emperor Rudolf II made Plzeň his seat from 1599–1600. During the Thirty Years' War the town was taken by Mansfeld in 1618 after the Siege of Plzeň and it was not recaptured by Imperial troops until 1621. Wallenstein made it his winter quarters in 1633. The town was unsuccessfully besieged by the Swedes in 1637 and 1648. The town and region have been staunchly Catholic despite the Hussite Wars. From the end of the 17th century, the architecture of Plzeň has been influenced by the Baroque style. The city centre has been under cultural heritage preservation since 1989. In the second half of the 19th century Plzeň, already an important trade centre for Bohemia, near the Bavarian/German border, began to industrialise rapidly. In 1869 Emil Škoda started up the Škoda Works, which became the most important and influential engineering company in the country and a crucial supplier of arms to the Austro-Hungarian Army. By 1917 the Škoda Works employed over 30,000 workers. After 1898 the second largest employer was the National Railways train workshop, with about 2,000 employees: this was the largest rail repair shop in all Austria-Hungary. Between 1861 and 1877, the Plzeň railway junction was completed and in 1899 the first tram line started in the city. This burst of industry had two important effects: the growth of the local Czech (Slavic) population and of the urban poor. After 1868 first Czech mayor of the city was elected. Following Czechoslovak independence from Austria-Hungary in 1918 the German-speaking minority in the countryside bordering the city of Plzeň hoped to be united with Austria and were unhappy at being included in Czechoslovakia. Many allied themselves to the Nazi cause after 1933, in the hope that Adolf Hitler might be able to unite them with their German-speaking neighbours. Following the Munich Agreement in 1938, Plzeň became literally a frontier town, after the creation of the Sudetenland moved the Third Reich borders to the city's outer limits. During the Nazi occupation from 1939 to 1945 the Škoda Works in Pilsen was forced to provide armaments for the Wehrmacht, and Czech contributions, particularly in the field of tanks, were noted. The German-speaking population was forcibly expelled from the city and indeed all of Czechoslovakia after the end of the war in 1945, according to the provisions of the Potsdam agreement. All of their property was confiscated. On 6 May 1945, near the end of World War II, Plzeň was liberated from Nazi Germany by the 16th Armored Division of General Patton's 3rd Army. Also participating in the liberation of the city were elements of the 97th and 2nd Infantry Divisions. Other Third Army units liberated major portions of Western Bohemia. The rest of Czechoslovakia was liberated from German control by the Soviet Red Army. Elements of the 3rd Army, as well as units from the 1st Army, remained in Plzeň until late November 1945, assisting the Czechs with rebuilding. After seizing power in 1948, the Communists undertook a systematic campaign to suppress all acknowledgement of the U.S. Army's role in liberating the city and Western Bohemia. This continued until 1989 when the Communists were removed from power. Since 1990, the city of Plzeň has organised an annual Liberation Festival, taking place in May, which has already become a local tradition, and has been attended by many American and Allied veterans. After the Communist takeover of February 1948, the totalitarian, Soviet-oriented Czechoslovak government launched a currency reform in 1953. This decision caused a wave of discontent, including the Plzeň uprising. On 1 June 1953 over 20,000 people, mainly workers at the Škoda Works, began demonstrating against the communist regime. Demonstrators forced their way into the town hall and threw Communist symbols, furniture and other objects out of the windows. The demonstration was violently suppressed by Communist officials. In retaliation the regime immediately destroyed the statue of Thomas Garrigue Masaryk. The next year, a West German homing pigeon was lost near the Czechoslovak border. It returned two days later, bearing a strong anti-Communist message, signed "Unbowed Pilsen." The bird was named Leaping Lena, and taken to the United States as a celebrity Cold War hero." In January 1880 he was in Prestice, Plzen-South District, Plzen (Pilsen) (West) Region, Bohemia (Czech Republic). According to the birth record his his sons Karel and Josef, his occupation at the times of their births was "Baker" and he lived at "Prestice No. 284." He appeared in the census on 31 December 1880 in Prestice, Plzen-South District, Plzen (Pilsen) (West) Region, Bohemia (Czech Republic). His occupation was "Baker Foreman." An extensive search of earlier Bohemian Census records in 1857 and 1869 for Prestice failed to find Karel or his parents. In Bohemia, one census form was completed for each household for each census year. The 1857 census lists the name and birth date of each person residing in a household, as well as information regarding their marital status, occupation, and religious affiliation. The relationship (e.g. spouse, son, mother, uncle) between the head of household and family members residing in the same household is often listed next to each name. The 1869 census was expanded to include place of birth, and a detailed accounting of farm animals owned by members of the household. The 1880 census includes all of the categories from the 1869 census with additional information on whether each member of the household was literate, their primary language, and physical and mental disabilities. The 1890, 1900, 1910 & 1921 censuses, though varying in layout, comprise nearly identical categories as the 1880 census. The census records were to be filled out according to the situation within the household as of the 31st of December of the census year. The census enumerators completed the forms the following January. So, for example, the 1857 census reflects the occupants of a household on 31 December 1857 and the form was filled out in January 1858. This holds true for all of the subsequent censuses except the census of 1921, which was dated 16 February 1921. Karl emigrated about 1887 from Bohemia (Czech Republic). His son Josef was born in Bohemia in 1882 and his daughter Margaret was born in Baltimore in 1888, so he probably emigrated in 1886 or 1887. The CastleGarden.org ship manifest immigration records list a son Josef as a passenger on the ship "Weser" that arrived in New York city on 5 March 1886, but Karel and his wife Katerina are not listed on the manifest. The Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser newspaper dated April 23, 1890 contains the following Real Estate Transfer: "Chas Muske to Karel Kucera, w s Madeira al nr Orleans st, 13.3x71 g r $20.." The transaction amount was $875. ("nr" may mean "Near.") That location (Madeira at Orleans Street) is in the Upper Fells Point area. It is not known if that was him, but it is possible. He died on 16 October 1893 at the age of 45 in Baltimore (Independent City), MD. He was buried in Baltimore (Independent City), MD. in the Cesky-Narodni-Hrbitov Bohemian National Cemetery, at the intersection of Horners Lane and Leopold Way in the Armistead Gardens section of Baltimore (Plot D-9-3-AB). The inscription near the top of the gravestone above his birthdate says "Resting Here" in the Czech language. Karl has Ancestral File Number MJ1F-TPD. He has Ancestral File Number G83K-WXF. Karel "Karl" KUCERA (^) and Katerina "Catherine" KIRCHMANN (^) were married on 3 September 1872 in Litice, Ceska Lipa District, Liberec Region, Bohemia (Czech Republic). At the time of their marriage, Karel lived in House Number 284 in Prestice with his parents, and Katarina lived in House Number 83 in Litice with hers (Source: https://www.portafontium.eu/iipimage/30065126/litice-10_0940-o?x=14&y=380&w=518&h=181) The 1900 Census for Katerina indicated that they had 6 children, of whom 4 were still living. The 1910 Census indicated that they had 5 children, of whom 4 were still living. Listed in the 1930 Census of Glen Burnie, Anne Arundel County, MD, was the household of Charles A. "Kutchera," age 50, born in Bohemia, occupation "General Laborer," who emigrated to America in 1884. That may have been their son. Also listed were Charles' wife, Elizabeth, age 51, born in Germany; and their son, Bernard R., age 21, born in Maryland. Litice is located in the Ceska Lipa District of the Liberec Region of the Czech Republic. The Liberec Region is located in the northernmost part of its historical region of Bohemia and is named after its capital, Liberec. The region shares international borders with Germany and Poland. Domestically the region borders the Ústí nad Labem Region to the west, the Central Bohemian Region to the south and the Hradec Králové Region to the east. (The immigration index on Ancestry.com lists a Katherina Kucera, age 31, who emigrated from Czechoslovakia to the port of Baltimore in 1887. The exact date and the name of the ship are not listed. That may have been her.) She appeared in the census in 1900 in Curtis Bay, Anne Arundel County, MD. Her household was at 3 Cedar Street. (The address of the property was originally 3 Cedar Street. But, when Curtis Bay was annexed by the city of Baltimore on 1 January 1919, the name of the street was changed to Cedox Street because of the existence of another Cedar Street in Baltimore. In the 1920 Census, however, the home was still listed as 3 Cedar Street, Curtis Bay Village.) Her household consisted of "Kady Kucher," born Dec 1856, age 43, a widow, married 28 years, born Bohemia; "Megie," daughter, born Jan 1888, age 12, born Maryland; Joseph, son, born Mar 1882, age 18, born Bohemia, occupation "Day Laborer;" and Frank, son, born Sept 1893, age 6, born Maryland. No occupation was listed for Katherine; nor did the Census list her year of emigration. The Census indicated that she could not read or write, but she could speak English. Also living in her home were John Presch, born Jan 1850, age 50, married 20 years, born Germany; his wife Mary, born Jan 1855, age 45, married 20 years, born Germany; and their son Charles, born June 1893, age 6, born Germany. It is not known who that family was, but it is possible (but not likely because they were from Germany, not Bohemia) that Mary or John were Catherine's siblings. The census indicates that they had 9 children, of whom 4 were living at the time. She lived in Curtis Bay, Anne Arundel County, MD in 1904. The Baltimore City Directory listed her as "Kutchera Cath, dry gds, S Balto, A A Co." Catherine lived in Curtis Bay, Anne Arundel County, MD in 1906. The Baltimore City Directory listed her as "Kutchera K & Son, h furng gds, S Balto, A A Co." Her business was probably "home furnishing goods" and her home was in South Baltimore in Anne Arundel County. She lived in Curtis Bay, Anne Arundel County, MD in 1907. The Baltimore City Directory listed her as "Kutchera Katie, dept store, S Balto, A A Co." She lived in Curtis Bay, Anne Arundel County, MD in 1908. The Baltimore City Directory listed her as "Kutchera Cath, dry gds, S Balto, A A Co." Catherine appeared in the census in 1910 in Curtis Bay, Anne Arundel County, MD. Her household at 3 Cedar Street consisted of "Catherine Kutcher," age 56, occupation "Keeper, Dry Goods Store;" her son Joseph, age 27; her son Frank, age 16; her daughter Margaret, age 22; and Margaret's husband John and daughter Catherine. (The 1910 Census listed her birth place as Germany. That was an error because the 1920 Census listed it as Pilsen. Pilsen was a major city and region in what was then Bohemia. It later became part of Czechoslovakia and then the Czech Republic when those countries were re-formed.) She appeared in the census in 1920 in Curtis Bay, Baltimore (Independent City), MD. She lived at 3 and 5 Cedar Street and owned her home. Her household consisted of "Catherine Kutchera," age 64, a widow, born in "Pilsen," with an occupation of "Retail Merchant, Dry Goods Store;" her daughter Margaret, age 31; her son-in-law John T. Dunn, age 37, occupation "Retail Merchant, Dry Goods Store;" their daughter Ruth, age 10; their daughter Dorothy, age 6; and Aleen Rhodes, age 14, a "Boarder," born in Maryland (relationship unknown). Catherine sold clothes and shoes in her store. Living next door was her son Joseph and his family. She lived in Curtis Bay, Baltimore (Independent City), MD in 1926. The Baltimore City Directory listed her residence as 721 Pennington Avenue. She was listed as Katrina, a "Widow of Charles." Catherine lived in Curtis Bay, Baltimore (Independent City), MD in 1927. The Baltimore City Directory listed her residence as 731 Pennington Avenue. She was listed as Katrina, a "Widow of Charles." She signed a will before 1928 in Baltimore (Independent City), MD. Her home property was originally deeded to "Katherina Kutchera" (herself) on May 14, 1907 by the South Baltimore Harbor and Improvement Company of Anne Arundel County, as recorded among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County in Liber G. W. No. 56, folio 161 & c. Her Last Will and Testament is duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Wills, Baltimore City, in Wills Liber E.R.D. No. 161 folio 258. In the Will, she bequeathed her home at 1647 Ceddox Street to her son, Joseph Kucera, Sr. She died on 28 April 1928 at the age of 71 in Baltimore (Independent City), MD. Catherine was buried in Baltimore (Independent City), MD. in the Cesky-Narodni-Hrbitov Bohemian National Cemetery, at the intersection of Horners Lane and Leopold Way in the Armistead Gardens section of Baltimore (Plot D-9-3-AB). The language near the top of the gravestone above her birthdate says "Resting Here" in Czech. She has Ancestral File Number MJ1F-TP1. She has Ancestral File Number G83K-QT5. She was listed as "Kady" in the 1900 Census, as "Catherine" in 1910 and 1920, and as "Katerina Kucera" on her gravestone. The birth record of her son Josef lists indicates that her surname was "Kirchmann." The FamilySearch.org website lists it as "Zirchmanova." Karel "Karl" KUCERA (^) and Katerina "Catherine" KIRCHMANN (^) had the following children: