Fifth Generation

57. Delores Emma FREEMORE was born on 24 February 1928 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.11,58 She died on 12 February 1993 at the age of 64 in Black River Falls, Jackson County, WI.11

Delores Emma FREEMORE and Calvin MORRISON were married on 6 March 1945. They were divorced in 1952. Calvin MORRISON was born (date unknown).

Delores Emma FREEMORE and Norman DOXRUD were married on 26 March 1965. They were divorced in September 1965. Norman DOXRUD was born (date unknown).

Delores Emma FREEMORE and Phillip LaVerne SCHALLER were married on 23 December 1966.11 Phillip LaVerne SCHALLER, son of George Phillip SCHALLER and Anna Cecelia DINGER, was born on 1 June 1929 in Monroe County, WI.58