Fifth Generation

58. Darwin Harold FREEMORE was born on 26 January 1935 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.11,58 He died on 26 March 2000 at the age of 65 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.11 He was buried in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.26 in the Oak Grove Cemetery.

Darwin Harold FREEMORE and Dagny KRAUSE were married on 9 January 1956. They were divorced before 1963. Dagny KRAUSE was born (date unknown).

Darwin Harold FREEMORE and Rubenia HENSLEY were married on 20 April 1963. They were divorced before 1979. Rubenia HENSLEY was born (date unknown).

Darwin Harold FREEMORE and Carol NICHOLSON were married on 5 November 1979. They were divorced after 1980. Carol NICHOLSON was born (date unknown).