Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Third Generation4. Alonzo MOSELEY was born on 28 October 1827 in Cattaraugus County, NY.1 Biographical History: "Alonzo Moseley, one of the pioneers of 1852... was born in Cattaraugus county, New York, October 28, 1827, a son of Aaron Moseley, a native of Tompkins county, New York. The paternal grandfather, Joseph Moseley, a native of Windom county, Vermont, was a soldier in the war of the Revolution. Aaron Moseley married Eliza Moseley, who was his cousin. Alonzo, their son, was reared on a farm in Cattaraugus county, and during the winter season attended the common schools. Believing the opportunities of the West greatly superior to those of the East, even at that early day, he determined to go to the frontier. Accordingly, in 1852, he started to Wisconsin, coming by steamer to Detroit, thence by rail to Chicago, and from that city to Milwaukee by the lake; he was accompanied by O. P. McClure of Erie county, New York, who settled also in Monroe county. Mr. Moseley first located on the northwest corner of the courthouse square in the town of Sparta, and there resided two years. He was engaged in teaming on the road from Milwaukee to Sparta, the trip requiring seventeen days. When he turned his attention to agriculture, he settled on a farm one and a half miles north of Sparta, where he resided for twenty years. At the end of two decades he sold this place and removed to another point, driving his team the distance of 800 miles; he remained by six weeks, when he disposed of his newly acquired interests and returned to this county. He now owns a farm of 300 acres lying on Robinson creek, admirably adapted to the raising of live-stock. Mr. Moseley married March 26, 1850, to Miss Eunice Hunt, who was born in Cattaraugus county, New York, a daughter of John S. and Mercy (Foster) Hunt, natives of Pennsylvania and New York, respectivtly. Mr. and Mrs. Moseley are the parents of six children: John H., a physician of Tomah, Wisconsin; Thomas, one of the largest producers of potatoes in Monroe county; Mrs. Flora Myers, a widow resident in Bismarck, Dakota; Ida, wife of N. M. Woodworth; Arthur G.; and Clara, wife of Thomas Kelly; Mrs. Kelly was a very competent teacher before her marriage. Politically our subject affiliates with the Republican party, and is a staunch supporter of the prohibition movement. He has represented the people of this township as Assessor four terms, and has also been Justice of the Peace, and a member of the School Board. He is a man well informed upon the leading topics of the day, is thoroughly loyal to home interests, and a supporter of home enterprise." . He appeared in the census in 1850 in Franklinville, Cattaraugus County, NY.5 His surname was spelled "Mosley" and his occupation was "Farmer." His household consisted of Alonzo; his wife, Eunice; his mother, Eliza Mosley, age 47, born in Vermont; and a 75-year-old woman named Azuba Mosley, born in Massachusetts, who was probably his paternal grandmother. He appeared in the census in 1860 in Sparta Township, Monroe County, WI.7,8 His occupation was "Farmer." Living nearby was the household of Daniel T. Moseley, age 48, born in New York; his wife, Amanda, age 41; and their five children. Daniel is very likely to have been a brother of Alonzo, because one of Alonzo's sons was named Daniel T. Alonzo appeared in the census in 1870 in Sparta Township, Monroe County, WI.9 His occupation was "Farmer." He appeared in the census in 1880 in New Lyme Township, Monroe County, WI.10 His occupation was "Farmer." He was buried in Sparta, Sparta Township, Monroe County, WI.11 An undated gravestone in the Sparta Woodlawn Cemetery is identified as "Father Moseley." It is believed to be Alonzo's gravesite. . Alonzo MOSELEY and Eunice HUNT were married on 26 March 1850.1,12,13 Eunice HUNT, daughter of John S. HUNT and Mercy FOSTER, was born on 25 September 1831 in Machias, Cattaraugus County, NY.1,6 She appeared in the census in 1850 in Franklinville, Cattaraugus County, NY.5 She appeared in the census in 1860 in Sparta Township, Monroe County, WI.7 Eunice appeared in the census in 1870 in Sparta Township, Monroe County, WI.9 She appeared in the census in 1880 in New Lyme Township, Monroe County, WI.10 Alonzo MOSELEY and Eunice HUNT had the following children: