Seventh Generation

228. Dwight Roland KUEHL59,363 was born on 13 October 1960.59

Dwight Roland KUEHL and Valerie Anne BABCOCK were married on 3 June 1995 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.59,156,258 Valerie Anne BABCOCK363 was born on 14 June 1953.258

Dwight Roland KUEHL and Lisa CALLAWAY were married on 26 August 1984.59,258 They59,258 were divorced before June 1995. Lisa CALLAWAY363 was born (date unknown).

Dwight Roland KUEHL and Lisa CALLAWAY had the following children:



Richard Ryan "Rick" KUEHL.



Tyler Dwight KUEHL59 was born on 5 October 1985.



Libby KUEHL.

Dwight Roland KUEHL and Teresa A. GRAGG were married before 2019.364 Teresa A. GRAGG, daughter of Wesley W. GRAGG and Rebecca A. YOUNG, was born (date unknown).