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195. Matthew Joseph "Matt" ACREE was born on 9 August 1974 in Maryland.18,78,103,142 (His birth date may have been 1 Sep 1973.) He graduated before 2014 in Baltimore (City), MD.140 from TESST College of Technology. In 2014 he was in Pasadena, Anne Arundel County, MD.140 as a Shop Supervisor, G&M Services, LLC. Matthew Joseph "Matt" ACREE and Erin Kelly SANDERS were married.140 Erin Kelly SANDERS78 was born on 8 May 1979.78 Matthew Joseph "Matt" ACREE and Erin Kelly SANDERS had the following children: 207 | i. | Jayleigh Mae ACREE was born on 2 December 2002.78 | 208 | ii. | Elizabeth Grace ACREE140 was born on 30 July 2008.78 |