Twelfth Generation

135. Dawn Marie WADEPHUL (-) (~) was born on 11 August 1955.36 She died before September 2020 at the age of 65.63

Dawn Marie WADEPHUL (-) (~) and Donald F. "Don" DINGER were married.36,69 Donald F. "Don" DINGER, son of Warren Russell DINGER and Mildred Elizabeth KOEBERNICK, was born (date unknown).

Dawn Marie WADEPHUL (-) (~) and Donald F. "Don" DINGER had the following children:



Tanya DINGER was born (date unknown).

Dawn Marie WADEPHUL (-) (~) and Dale Edgar ROSCOVIUS were married.36 Dale Edgar ROSCOVIUS, son of Merle Marvin ROSCOVIUS and Helen DEGLER, was born on 24 March 1952.36

Dawn Marie WADEPHUL (-) (~) and Dale Edgar ROSCOVIUS had the following children:



Tonya ROSCOVIUS was born (date unknown).



Amy ROSCOVIUS graduated in June 2006 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.70 from Tomah High School.