Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Eleventh Generation239. (He was age 2 in the 1910 Census.) (This is a picture of Raymond, Flo Jean and Paul Bigelow.) (He is listed as "Osmond R. Bigelow" in the Social Security Death Index, which indicates that his Social Security Number was issued in Ohio.) . . He appeared in the census in 1920 in Warren County, TN.316 He was listed as a "Nephew" in the household of John and Mattie Smith, on McMinnville Road in Civil District 13. His occupation was "Laborer, Home Farm." (Mattie was his mother's sister.) He lived in Borger, Hutchinson County, TX in June 1927.333 Raymond appeared in the census in 1930 in Newport, Campbell County, KY.324 He was living with his father's brother, Willard, and his occupation was "Ringer Boy, Laundry." . He appeared in the census in 1940 in Newport, Campbell County, KY.348 His household was at 230 Clifton Street and his occupation was "Laborer, Garage." His total wages in 1939 were $1,100. Also living in his household was Hattie Fipps (?), age 53, a Widow, born in Kentucky, an "Aunt." . He lived in Newport, Campbell County, KY in March 1982.226 Raymond died on 18 December 1995 at the age of 87 in Kenton, Kenton County, KY.321,474 Osmon "Raymond" BIGELOW (~) and Mae UNKNOWN (BIGELOW) were married about 1934.317,348 (According to the 1940 Census, they had been marred for six years. A letter from his father's sister Retta in 1938 says, "Osmon had two boys and two girls, all married, ...." . Mae UNKNOWN (BIGELOW) was born about 1913 in Kentucky.348 She appeared in the census in 1940 in Newport, Campbell County, KY.348 (Her name was spelled "May.") |