Tenth Generation

306. Irvin Arthur WEBB was born in 1886.129 He died in 1971 at the age of 85.129 He was buried in 1971 in Kendall, Glendale Township, Monroe County, WI.129 in the Glendale Township Cemetery.

Irvin Arthur WEBB and Clara Adeline THAYER were married.53 (No date is listed for their marriage in the Marriage Registration Index.) Clara Adeline THAYER, daughter of Frank A. THAYER and Eva UNKNOWN (THAYER), was born in October 1886 in Wisconsin.56,129 She appeared in the census in 1900 in Wellington Township, Monroe County, WI.56 She died in 1957 at the age of 71.129 Clara was buried in 1957 in Kendall, Glendale Township, Monroe County, WI.129 in the Glendale Township Cemetery.