Fourth Generation

49. George SOULE (`~) was born on 15 August 1709 in Dartmouth, Bristol County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.22,23,29

"There is a tradition that he was married a third time, and somewhat obscure records point to such a conclusion. He was a devout Quaker and worshiped for many years in the Meeting House built on Quaker Hill, so-called, which was the common gathering-place for the people of that sect in the Oblong and Nine Partners. The records show that he suffered great oppressions from the Loyalists in consequence of his religious faith and his refusal to sign the oath of allegiance to King George. Several requisitions were made upon his flocks and herds. He died intestate and administration was granted on his estate to his son Nathan Soule of Pawling, 'Miller,' Dec. 9, 1793. Children named Mary, Content, Alice, Nathan, John, Sarah, Ann, Elizabeth and Thomas."

Source: G. T. Ridlon, A Contribution to the Hisory, Biography and Genealogy of the Families Named Sole, Solly, Soule, Sole, Soulis. (Journal Press, Lewiston, ME, 1926) Vol 2.
He died about 1793 at the age of 84 in Dutchess County, NY.22

George SOULE (`~) and Avis Soule TIBBETS were married on 3 December 1730 in East Greenwich, Kent County, Rhode Island Colony, British Colonial America.15,22,23,24 They had eight children.

"She was her husband's first cousin. She was from Greenwich, R. I., and inherited her name from Avis Stanton. Her parents were devout Quakers and joined the great wave of emigration that moved to North Carolina, and her father died in Carteret County, N. C., April 19, 1755, leaving a noncupertive will in which he mentioned his daughter Avis Sole, to whom he gave 'Two Shillings Starling.'

Source: G. T.Ridlon, A Contribution to the History, Biography and Genealogy of the Families Named Sole, Solly, Soule, Sole, Soulis. (Journal Press, Lewiston, ME, 1926) Vol 2.
Avis Soule TIBBETS, daughter of John TIBBETS and Elizabeth HALL, was born on 17 May 1710 in East Greenwich, Kent County, Rhode Island Colony, British Colonial America.15 (According to the McSweeney research, she was John's daughter from his first marriage to Elizabeth Hall and not from his second marriage to Sarah Soule, as is reported in some sources.) She died on 12 January 1757 at the age of 46 in Oblong, Dutchess County, New York Colony, British Colonial America.15

George SOULE (`~) and Avis Soule TIBBETS had the following children:



Sarah SOULE (`~).

George SOULE (`~) and Alice DAVIS were married on 2 January 1758 in Oblong, Dutchess County, New York Colony, British Colonial America.15,23 Alice DAVIS was born (date unknown).

George SOULE (`~) and Alice DAVIS had the following children:



Thomas SOULE was born (date unknown).