First Generation

1. Patrick "Paddy" O'SHEA1 was born about 1850 in Ireland. Bantry, in the heart of West Cork, is a region of lush vegetation, palm trees and semi-tropical flowers. Hemmed in by high mountain ridges, an azure blue sea and cascading mountain streams, it is a place of unparalled beauty where the landscape changes with every mood of wind and sky. In this breathtaking splendor of mountain scenery, hilly pastures, meandering streams, lakes and woods, where megalithic monuments and ruins of monastic settlements dot the country-side, visitors can find peace and tranquility.

The landscape is mountainous with parallel ridges running through the various peninsulae to the sea--mainly in a north-east/south-west direction. The rest of the terrain is occupied by valleys, hidden glens, hills, fast running rivers, woods and forests.

The climate is very mild with moist Atlantic breezes giving a medium to heavy rainfall. The influence of the Gulf Stream of warm sea water has a pronounced effect on the climate allowing the growth of semi-topical vegetation and foliage which can be savored in the many gardens both private and public.

The Bantry region is divided into three main areas corresponding with the peninsulas--i.e., The Beara Peninsula, The Sheep's Head or in Irish (Muintir Bhaire) Peninsula and The Mizen Peninsula. These extend southwest in the Atlantic up to 30 miles. He died in June 1899 at the age of 49 in Ireland.1

Patrick "Paddy" O'SHEA and Mary Anne MCSWEENEY were married about 1870.1 Mary Anne MCSWEENEY was born about 1850 in Ireland. She died on 6 July 1899 at the age of 49 in Ireland.1

Patrick "Paddy" O'SHEA and Mary Anne MCSWEENEY had the following children:



Daniel G. "Dan" O'SHEA.



James Joseph "Jim" O'SHEA.



John F. "Jack" O'SHEA.



Anna A. "Annie" O'SHEA.