Twelfth Generation

210. Harold James "Jim" GRIGGS was born on 5 September 1961 in Akron, Summit County, OH.

Harold James "Jim" GRIGGS and Bridget GRAHAM were divorced. Bridget GRAHAM was born in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.

Harold James "Jim" GRIGGS and Bridget GRAHAM had the following children:



James Joseph GRIGGS was born on 11 October 1982.

Harold James "Jim" GRIGGS and Sonia DAHL were divorced.541 Sonia DAHL was born on 28 January 1953 in Winona, Winona County, MN.

Harold James "Jim" GRIGGS and Sonia DAHL had the following children:



Alex Gregory GRIGGS was born on 7 January 1994.

Harold James "Jim" GRIGGS and Debbie KNOPH were divorced. Debbie KNOPH was born (date unknown).