33rd Generation

729. Dale Roger PURDY was born on 23 February 1923 in Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.44,100 He appeared in the census in 1930 in Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.122 He died on 9 November 2002 at the age of 79 in Madison, Dane County, WI.100,580 Funeral services were held on Wednesday, Nov. 13th. Dale was buried in La Grange Township, Monroe County, WI.581 in the LaGrange Township Cemetery. He was cremated, but his ashes are in the Purdy family plot.

Dale Roger PURDY and Isabelle Carolyn HAIGHT were married on 21 June 1943 in Monroe County, WI.100,573 Isabelle Carolyn HAIGHT, daughter of Gilbert HAIGHT and Lois UNKNOWN (HAIGHT), was born on 21 June 1926 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.573 She graduated in 1943 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.582 from Tomah High School.

Dale Roger PURDY and Isabelle Carolyn HAIGHT had the following children:



Diane PURDY.



Nancy PURDY was born on 24 November 1948 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.79,573



Casey L. PURDY.

Dale Roger PURDY and Roberta Anne "Anna" BRADLEY were married on 15 August 1963 in California.100,573 Roberta Anne "Anna" BRADLEY was born on 21 February 1941.573

Dale Roger PURDY and Roberta Anne "Anna" BRADLEY had the following children:






Heather Maureen PURDY.