Fifth Generation

44. Edwin Herman HOFFMAN was born on 23 December 1902 in Norwalk, Monroe County, WI.42 He died on 14 March 1966 at the age of 63.42 He was buried in Sheldon Township, Monroe County, WI.42 in the Wanderer's Rest Cemetery.

Edwin Herman HOFFMAN and Ethel May HALDEMAN were married on 10 November 1926 in Wilton, Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI.42 Ethel May HALDEMAN, daughter of Rudolph HALDEMAN and Hattie May ABBOTT, was born on 19 March 1899 in Norwalk, Monroe County, WI.11,42 (She may have been born in Sheldon Township.) She was buried in Sheldon Township, Monroe County, WI.42 in the Wanderer's Rest Cemetery.

Edwin Herman HOFFMAN and Ethel May HALDEMAN had the following children:



Robert Ronald HOFFMAN was born on 10 January 1928 in Monroe County, WI.11,42



Bonita Jean HOFFMAN was born on 2 August 1929 in Monroe County, WI.11,42



Ruby Ardelle HOFFMAN was born on 13 November 1932 in Monroe County, WI.11,42



Joyce Audrey HOFFMAN.



Violet Margaret HOFFMAN.