Third Generation

8. Cora Frances "Corie" AUERBACH was born on 2 May 1895 in Wisconsin.1,6 (She was listed as "Corie" in the 1900 Census, but her given name is believed to have been "Cora.".) She appeared in the census in 1900 in Norwalk, Monroe County, WI.6 She appeared in the census in 1905 in Norwalk, Monroe County, WI.1 (Wisconsin State Census) Corie appeared in the census in 1910 in Ridgeville Township, Monroe County, WI.9 She was living with her uncle August Summerfield and his family. She died on 23 June 1981 at the age of 86 in Seattle, King County, WA.1 She was buried on 26 June 1981 in Seattle, King County, WA.1 She was laid to rest at Pacific Lutheran Mausoleum.

Cora Frances "Corie" AUERBACH and Thorwald "Thomas" WETTERLIND were married about 1918 in Seattle, King County, WA.1 Thorwald "Thomas" WETTERLIND died in July 1967 in Seattle, King County, WA.1

Cora Frances "Corie" AUERBACH and Thorwald "Thomas" WETTERLIND had the following children:



Frances Jane "Petty" WETTERLIND.