Third Generation

13. Etta Mae WILDES was born on 18 May 1878 in Hillsboro, Vernon County, WI.1,10,23 She lived in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI in February 1927.7 She died on 11 November 1953 at the age of 75 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.1 Etta was buried in Warrens, Lincoln Township, Monroe County, WI.12 in the Warren Mills Cemetery.

Etta Mae WILDES and Charles Lewis JOHNSTON were married on 10 May 1902 in Monroe County, WI.1,2,13,23,24 They1,2,13,23,24 were married.25 Charles Lewis JOHNSTON, son of Lewis C. JOHNSTON and Mariette E. GETMAN, was born on 2 June 1862.12,25 (His gravestone lists his birth date as June 1864.) He died on 11 April 1927 at the age of 64.12,25 He was buried in Warrens, Lincoln Township, Monroe County, WI.12 in the Warren Mills Cemetery.

Etta Mae WILDES and Charles Lewis JOHNSTON had the following children:

