Fourth Generation

17. Wilhelmine "Mina" WITTE was born on 2 February 1868 in Preussen (Prussia).17 She died on 3 May 1944 at the age of 76 in Faribault, Rice County, MN.17 She was buried in Faribault, Rice County, MN.18 in the Maple Lawn Cemetery.

Wilhelmine "Mina" WITTE and Franz Friedrich Ferdinand "Frank" BREMER were married on 11 November 1887 in Rice County, MN.4 They had 9 children. Franz Friedrich Ferdinand "Frank" BREMER, son of Johann Friedrich Wilhelm BREMER and Dorothea Maria ROSENOW, was born on 27 September 1861 in Uchtenhagen, Kreis Saatzig, Regierungsbezirk Stettin, Pommern (Pomerania) Province, Preussen (Prussia).4,17 He was christened on 3 October 1861 in Uchtenhagen, Kreis Saatzig, Regierungsbezirk Stettin, Pommern (Pomerania) Province, Preussen (Prussia).17 He emigrated in 1880 from Preussen (Prussia).17 Frank died on 7 June 1945 at the age of 83 in Faribault, Rice County, MN.4 He was buried in Faribault, Rice County, MN.17,18 in the Maple Lawn Cemetery.