Sixteenth Generation

843. Jeffrey M. VANDERVORT210 was born on 20 November 1976.713 He lived in Pasadena, Anne Arundel County, MD in February 2012.713,817 His address was 8026 Pine Ridge Road, Pasadena, MD, 21122-1186.

Prior addresses listed in U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1, are:
222 Woodhill Drive, Glen Burnie, MD, 21061-5750 (1995); 401 Secluded Post Circle, Glen Burnie, MD, 21061-9020; and 8043 Greenleaf Terrace #21, Glen Burnie, MD, 21061-4947 (1996).


Jeffrey M. VANDERVORT and Christina M. UNKNOWN (VANDERVORT) were married.713 Christina M. UNKNOWN (VANDERVORT) was born about 1978.713