Home Surname List Name Index Email Us | Thirteenth Generation4424. Reverend John LATHROP Sr. (*) was born on 20 December 1584 in Etton, Yorkshire, England. After 1605 he was in England, United Kingdom. From Family.com: "Rev. John Lathrop/Lothrop, a 1605 Cambridge University graduate who was ordained an Anglican priest in England, but joined the dissenters, heading a secret congregation in London. After he was caught and imprisoned, he was fortunate enough to be released on the condition that he and his family immediately leave for America. He may have gotten off lucky because he came from a family with a noble background." . He lived in Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America on 10 August 1653. John died on 8 November 1653 at the age of 68 in Barnstable County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Hannah HOWSE (*) and Reverend John LATHROP Sr. (*) were married on 10 October 1610 in Eastwell, Kent County, England. 4425. Hannah HOWSE (*) was born in 1594 in Eastwell, Kent County, England. She was buried in February 1633/4 in London, Middlesex County, England. She died on 16 February 1633/4 at the age of 40 in London, Middlesex County, England. Hannah has reference number I-1007. According to Prather, Mildred <mprather@mail.coin.missouri.edu>, 2408 Park DeVille Place, Columbia, MO 65203, Hannah died in 1659 in Lancaster Co., VA. Children were: