Home Surname List Name Index Email Us | Index <No Surname>(Unknown) (*) (196- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown) (*) (434- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown) (*) (714- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown) (*) (737- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown) (*) (745- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown) (*) (773- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Princess of France (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of The Franks (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of France (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of The Franks (*) (124- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of The Franks (*) (212- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of The Swedes (*) (217- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Duchess of The East Franks (*) (232- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of The Franks (*) (238- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Duchess of The East Franks (*) (268- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of The Franks (*) (269- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of The Franks (*) (293- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Duchess of The East Franks (*) (304- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Duchess of The East Franks (*) (328- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Duchess of The East Franks (*) (351- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Duchess of The East Franks (*) (358- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of Burgundy (*) (449- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of Scotland (*) (700- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of Scotland (*) (727- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of Italy (*) (777- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of Scotland (*) (782- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of Scotland (*) (814- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Countess of Vermandois (*) (820- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of Scotland (*) (840- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Countess of Orkney (*) (860- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of Scotland (*) (866- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of Scotland (*) (901- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Queen of Scotland (*) (936- ) . . . Narrative (Unknown), Countess de Bayeux (*) (991- ) . . . Narrative Adalbert, Duke of Alsace (*) (675-741) . . . Narrative Adedheid, Princess of The Holy Roman Empire (*+) (824-866) . . . Narrative Adele Countess of Equisheim (*) (929- ) . . . Narrative Adele, Countess of Beteau (*) (1023-1086) . . . Narrative Aethelreda, Princess of England (*) (1042- ) . . . Narrative Aiofe (*) (240- ) . . . Narrative Alfarin, King of Alvheim (*) (769- ) . . . Narrative Alpaide, Concubine of Austrasia (*) (654- ) . . . Narrative Alpin, King of Scotland (*) (778-834) . . . Narrative Althildis, Princess of The Britains (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative Ancitel, Count de Bayeux (*) (992- ) . . . Narrative Ansigisen, Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia (*+) (607-685) . . . Narrative Aodh Hugh Flonn, King of Scotland (*) (725-778) . . . Narrative Argotta, Queen of France (*) (376- ) . . . Narrative Arlogia, Countess of Orkney (*) (1015- ) . . . Narrative Arnold, Count of Flanders(*+) (941-987) . . . Narrative Ausbert, The Senator of The Moselle (*+) (536-570) . . . Narrative Ava, Countess of Upper Alsace (*) (769- ) . . . Narrative Bartherus, King of The Franks (*+) (238-272) . . . Narrative Basina, Princess of The Thuringians (*) (398- ) . . . Narrative Basina, Princess of Thuringa (*) (438- ) . . . Narrative Baudouin IV, Count of Flanders (*+) (967-1036) . . . Narrative Baudouin I, Count of Flanders (*) (837-879) . . . Narrative Baudouin III, Count of Flanders (*+) (933-962) . . . Narrative Bernard, King of Italy (*) (797-818) . . . Narrative Berthe Countess of Laon (*) (720-783) . . . Narrative Berthe, Queen of Kent (*) (541-580) . . . Narrative Bertrada, Countess of Laon (*) (695- ) . . . Narrative Bethoc Princess of Scotland (*) (984- ) . . . Narrative Carloman, Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia (*) (590-645) . . . Narrative Charibert I, King of Paris (*) (520-570) . . . Narrative Charlemagne, Emperor of The Holy Roman Empire (*+) (742-814) . . . Narrative Charles Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia (*+) (676-741) . . . Narrative Charles II Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (*+) (823-877) . . . Narrative Childeric I, King of France (*) (436-481) . . . Narrative Chilperic, King of Burgundy (*) (445- ) . . . Narrative Chrodobertus "Robert" I (*) (665- ) . . . Narrative Chrodobertus "Robert" II (*) (695- ) . . . Narrative Claribert I, Count of Laon (*) (690-719) . . . Narrative Clemtia, Countess of Namur (*) (1078- ) . . . Narrative Clodemir Penardum III, King of The West Franks (*+) (-30-63) . . . Narrative Clodion King of France (*+) (395-447) . . . Narrative Clodius III, King of The Franks (*+) (264-298) . . . Narrative Clodius I, King of The West Franks (*+) (-54--11) . . . Narrative Clodius II, King of The West Franks (*+) (-37--20) . . . Narrative Clodius, Duke of The East Franks (*+) (324-389) . . . Narrative Clodomir IV, King of The Franks (*+) (129-166) . . . Narrative Clotaire, King of France (*) (497-561) . . . Narrative Clotilde, Queen of France (*) (475-548) . . . Narrative Clovis I, King of France (*) (467-511) . . . Narrative Constantine I, King of Scotland (*) (836-877) . . . Narrative Cunigunde, Queen of Italy (*) (797-835) . . . Narrative Dag, King (*) (431- ) . . . Narrative Dagobert, Duke of The East Franks (*+) (230-317) . . . Narrative Dagobert, Duke of The East Franks (*+) (300-379) . . . Narrative Dirk, Count of Holland (*) (900-939) . . . Narrative Doda (*) (695- ) . . . Narrative Dolphin (*) (1110- ) . . . Narrative Donald Dasachtach II, King of Scotland (*) (862-900) . . . Narrative Donart (*) (415-505) . . . Narrative Dongart VI King of Scotland (*) (630- ) . . . Narrative Dongart, King of Scotland (*) (600-673) . . . Narrative Duncan, Earl of Caithness (*) (871- ) . . . Narrative Duncan, Lord of Mormaer (*) (949- ) . . . Narrative Ealdgyth, Princess of Northumberland (*) (1020- ) . . . Narrative Edith, Duchess of Alsace (*) (719- ) . . . Narrative Elfridam, Princess of England (*) (877-920) . . . Narrative Eochaid II King of Scotland (*) (660-692) . . . Narrative Eochaid III, King of Scotland (*) (695-721) . . . Narrative Eochaid IV, King of Scotland (*) (747-819) . . . Narrative Erchembaldus (*) (590- ) . . . Narrative Ermengarde, Princess of Hesbaye (*) (778-818) . . . Narrative Ermengarde, Countess of Tours (*) (800-851) . . . Narrative Ermengarde, Duchess of The Moselle (*) (832- ) . . . Narrative Ermentrude, Countess of Orleans (*) (830-869) . . . Narrative Eticho I, Duke of Alsace (*) (645-720) . . . Narrative Eudes, Count of Orleans (*) (800- ) . . . Narrative Farabertus, King of The Franks (*+) (122-186) . . . Narrative Fedelmia (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative Fergus, King of the Picts (*) (735- ) . . . Narrative Fergusa, Queen of Scotland (*) (755- ) . . . Narrative Ferreolus, Duke of Moselle (*+) (465- ) . . . Narrative Fornjotur, King in Kvenland (*) (160- ) . . . Narrative Frederic I, Count of Luxembourg (*) (945-1019) . . . Narrative Gabhran (*) (446- ) . . . Narrative Gebhard, Count of Lower Lahngau (*) (826-879) . . . Narrative Gebhard, Count of The Wetterau (*) (866-910) . . . Narrative Genebald, Duke of The East Franks (*+) (262-358) . . . Narrative Genebald, Duke of The East Franks (*) (354-419) . . . Narrative Gerlinde, Duchess of Alsace (*) (679- ) . . . Narrative Gerold I, Count of Vinzgau (*) (710- ) . . . Narrative Giselbert, Count of The Moselle (*) (830-892) . . . Narrative Godfrey Duke of Lorraine (*) (1074-1139) . . . Narrative Gonzelon I, Duke of Lorraine (*) (967-1044) . . . Narrative Gospatric, Earl of Northumberland (*) (1040-1075) . . . Narrative Guilph I, Duke of Bavaria (*) (776-830) . . . Narrative Hafilda, Princess of The Rugi (*) (106- ) . . . Narrative Hastila, Queen of The Franks (*) (155- ) . . . Narrative Hedwig, Duchess of Bavaria (*) (780- ) . . . Narrative Hedwig, Countess of Luxembourg (*) (923- ) . . . Narrative Henry II, Count of Lorraine (*) (1021-1077) . . . Narrative Herbert I, Count of Vermandois (*) (848-902) . . . Narrative Herbert II, Count of Vermandois (*) (884-943) . . . Narrative Heribert, Count of Kinziggau (*) (914-992) . . . Narrative Hildebrante, Princess of France (*+) (887- ) . . . Narrative Hildegarde, Empress of The Holy Roman Empire (*) (757-783) . . . Narrative Hilderic, King of The Franks (*+) (212-253) . . . Narrative Hiltrude, Countess of Upper Alsace (*) (744- ) . . . Narrative Hugues II, Count of Upper Alsace (*) (765- ) . . . Narrative Imma, Duchess of Swabia (*) (736- ) . . . Narrative Ingeltrude, Countess of Orleans (*) (805- ) . . . Narrative Ingoberge, Queen of Paris (*) (520-589) . . . Narrative Inne (*) (291- ) . . . Narrative Irmintrud, Countess of Avalgau (*) (918- ) . . . Narrative Irmtrud, Countess of Gleiberg (*) (948- ) . . . Narrative Judith, Princess of Bavaria (*) (800-843) . . . Narrative Judith, Princess of France (*+) (844-870) . . . Narrative Kenneth II, King of Scotland (*) (932-995) . . . Narrative Kenneth Mac Alpin I, King of Scotland (*) (810-859) . . . Narrative Lambert II, Count of Lovain (*) (952-1015) . . . Narrative Lambert III Count of Lovain (*) (995-1062) . . . Narrative Lamtbertus "Lambert" I (*) (670- ) . . . Narrative Lendisius (*) (620- ) . . . Narrative Leudefindis (*) (594- ) . . . Narrative Lothaire I, Emperor of The Holy Roman Empire (*) (795-855) . . . Narrative Louis I Emperor of The Holy Roman Empire (*+) (778-840) . . . Narrative, Narrative Lucy, Countess of Chester (*) (1070-1136) . . . Narrative Luitfrid II, Count of Upper Alsace (*) (740- ) . . . Narrative Luitfrid, Duke of Alsace (*) (707-707) . . . Narrative Malcom I, King of Scotland (*) (897-954) . . . Narrative Maldred, Earl of Dunbar (*) (1015-1045) . . . Narrative Marcomer III, King of The West Franks (*+) (-36-48) . . . Narrative Marcomir, King of The Franks (*+) (102-149) . . . Narrative Marcomir, Duke of The East Franks (*+) (347-404) . . . Narrative Mary of Baildon (*) (1305- ) . . . Narrative Mathilde, Princess of Saxony (*) (958-1008) . . . Narrative Muiron (*) (266- ) . . . Narrative Muredach (*) (363- ) . . . Narrative Njord, King of The Swedes (*) (214- ) . . . Narrative Oda, Princess of Lorraine (*) (995-1044) . . . Narrative Odomir, King of The Franks (*+) (80-140) . . . Narrative Outeria, Duchess of Moselle (*) (504- ) . . . Narrative Pbepin King of Italy (*) (773-810) . . . Narrative, Narrative Pbepin II, Count of Vermandois (*) (818-840) . . . Narrative Pepin King of France (*+) (714-768) . . . Narrative Pepin, Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia (*) (564-639) . . . Narrative Pepin, Mayor of The Palace of Austrasia (*+) (635-714) . . . Narrative Pharamond, King of France (*+) (370-427) . . . Narrative Rainer I, Duke of Lorraine (*) (860-916) . . . Narrative Rainer II, Count of Hainault (*) (892- ) . . . Narrative Rainer III, Count of Hainault (*) (924- ) . . . Narrative Ranulf de Meschines, Viscount de Bayeux (*) (1050-1129) . . . Narrative Ranulf, Count de Bayeux (*) (1017- ) . . . Narrative Ranulph de Meschines Earl of Chester (*) (1070-1128) . . . Narrative Ratherius, King of The East Franks (*+) (42-90) . . . Narrative Robert I Duke of France (*) (820-866) . . . Narrative Robert I, King of France (*+) (860-923) . . . Narrative Roi Richemer Marcomir, King of The Franks (*+) (59-114) . . . Narrative Rosele Princess of Italy (*) (945-1003) . . . Narrative Rotrude Duchess of Austrasia (*) (690-724) . . . Narrative Siegfried, Count of Luxembourg (*) (918-998) . . . Narrative Sigimberus I, Bishop of Auvergne (*+) (419- ) . . . Narrative Spondana, (*) Queen of Scotland (677- ) . . . Narrative Sunno Mangus King of The Franks (*+) (140-213) . . . Narrative Thhuringbert (*) (745-770) . . . Narrative Tonantius (*) (429- ) . . . Narrative Udo, Count of The Wetterau (*) (880-949) . . . Narrative Urgust, King of the Picts (*) (709- ) . . . Narrative Urracca, Princess of Italy (*) (974- ) . . . Narrative Waldemar, Duke of Russia (*) (995- ) . . . Narrative Walter, King of The Franks (*+) (289- ) . . . Narrative Williswint (*) (725-768) . . . Narrative Yngvi-Frey, King of The Swedes (*) (235- ) . . . Narrative Yngvi, King in Turkey (*) (193- ) . . . Narrative
ABBEY(Infant Son) (1889-1889) . . . Narrative Albert A. (1872-1890) . . . Narrative Edith May (1874-1951) . . . Narrative George William (1868-1943) . . . Narrative Lewis (1882-1946) . . . Narrative Mary Laura (1867-1867) . . . Narrative Nathaniel Abner ( - ) . . . Narrative Wellington (1840-1902) . . . Narrative
ACHTENBERGAugust Hermann (1863-1864) . . . Narrative Auguste Amelia (1866-1950) . . . Narrative Carl Heinrich (1859- ) . . . Narrative Emelia (1850-1923) . . . Narrative Friedrich Wilhelm (1855-1904) . . . Narrative Johann George (1790- ) . . . Narrative Martin (*) (1817-1905) . . . Narrative Martin Eduard (1870-1942) . . . Narrative Wilhelmine Emilie Ernestine (*) (1852-1945) . . . Narrative
ADAMSAbigail (1697- ) . . . Narrative Edith (1655-1660) . . . Narrative Edith (1688-1761) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1658- ) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1680-1750) . . . Narrative George (1650-1651) . . . Narrative Jonathan (1646-1712) . . . Narrative Mary (1643-1712) . . . Narrative Mary (1697-1754) . . . Narrative Mercy Mary (*) (1676-1759) . . . Narrative Pelatiah Sr. (*) (1646-1725) . . . Narrative Pelatiah Jr. (1682-1746) . . . Narrative Rebecca (1657-1658) . . . Narrative Ruth (1673-1713) . . . Narrative Samuel (1652-1727) . . . Narrative Samuel (1685-1689) . . . Narrative Sarah (1691-1761) . . . Narrative Tabitha (1671-1696) . . . Narrative Thomas Sr. (*) (1612-1688) . . . Narrative Thomas Jr. (1660-1660) . . . Narrative Thomas (1675-1746) . . . Narrative Timothy (1648-1708) . . . Narrative
ADILSSON,Eystein King in Sweden (*) (594- ) . . . Narrative
ADKINSExperience (*) (1767-1858) . . . Narrative Thomas (*) (1740-1810) . . . Narrative William Sr. (1762-1844) . . . Narrative
AGNASSON,Alrek King in Sweden (*) (445- ) . . . Narrative
AGNETTEAgnes (*) (1481- ) . . . Narrative
AIDANEdhan (*) (477- ) . . . Narrative
AIRESAnne Margaret (*) (1567-1629) . . . Narrative
ALFARINSDATTERAlfhild (*) (794- ) . . . Narrative
ALGAUTSDOTTERGauthild (*) (664- ) . . . Narrative
ALLENDavid (*) (1689- ) . . . Narrative Hannah (*) (1718-1785) . . . Narrative Mary (*) (1715-1800) . . . Narrative
ALLEN (*)Albin (1693- ) . . . Narrative
ALREKSSON,Yngvi King in Sweden (*) (466- ) . . . Narrative
ALVORDAlexander (*) (1509-1575) . . . Narrative Alexander (1627-1687) . . . Narrative Joanne (*) (1622-1684) . . . Narrative John (*) (1385-1405) . . . Narrative John (*) (1430-1487) . . . Narrative John (*) (1475-1530) . . . Narrative Thomas (*) (1405-1440) . . . Narrative Thomas (*) (1455-1536) . . . Narrative Thomas Richard (*) (1574-1636) . . . Narrative William John V (*) (1545-1578) . . . Narrative
ANSELLJohn (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative Mary (*) (1629-1713) . . . Narrative
AP CARADOCCyllin Cynvelyn ( - ) . . . Narrative
ARMITAGEAnn (*) (1520-1591) . . . Narrative
ASHLEYMary (*) (1644-1702) . . . Narrative Robert ( - ) . . . Narrative
ASSEYAlice (*) (1279-1339) . . . Narrative
ASTONEllen (*) (1519-1572) . . . Narrative
ATCHINSONMercy (*) (1673-1754) . . . Narrative
AUDLEYAlice (*) ( -1373) . . . Narrative Alice (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1315-1359) . . . Narrative Hugh (*) (1250- ) . . . Narrative
AUNSSONEgil (*) (530- ) . . . Narrative
AVISJoan (*) (1538-1638) . . . Narrative Thomas (*) (1510- ) . . . Narrative
AYLESWORTHAmy (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
BACONAbigail (1754-1801) . . . Narrative Agnes (1520-1520) . . . Narrative Alice (1629-1648) . . . Narrative Andrew (1595-1596) . . . Narrative Anne (1501-1540) . . . Narrative Annie (1474- ) . . . Narrative Barbara (1548- ) . . . Narrative Beatrix (*) (1341-1373) . . . Narrative Daniel Sr. (1619-1691) . . . Narrative Daniel Sr. (*) (1660-1694) . . . Narrative Daniel Jr. (1686- ) . . . Narrative Dorothy (*) (~) (1760-1791) . . . Narrative Ebenezer Sr. (*) (1715-1768) . . . Narrative Ebenezer Jr. (1756-1756) . . . Narrative Sir Edmund Sr. (*) (1412-1470) . . . Narrative Edmund Jr. (1440- ) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1523- ) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1584- ) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1613- ) . . . Narrative Francis (1442- ) . . . Narrative Francis (1475- ) . . . Narrative George (*) (1592-1642) . . . Narrative Hannah (1749-1837) . . . Narrative Sir Henry I (*) (1266-1303) . . . Narrative Sir Henry II (*) (1284-1324) . . . Narrative Henry (1488- ) . . . Narrative Henry (1526- ) . . . Narrative Isaac Sr. (*) (1689-1746) . . . Narrative Isaac Jr. (1711-1754) . . . Narrative James (1629- ) . . . Narrative Joan (1506- ) . . . Narrative Joanna (1567- ) . . . Narrative John (1286- ) . . . Narrative Sir John III (*) (1320-1384) . . . Narrative John IV (*) (1346-1397) . . . Narrative John Sr., of Drinkstone and Helmingham (*) (1453-1535) . . . Narrative John Jr. (1485- ) . . . Narrative John of Helmingham (*) (1505-1557) . . . Narrative John (1566- ) . . . Narrative John Sr. (*) (1624-1683) . . . Narrative John Jr. (1656-1732) . . . Narrative Sir John Steven V (*) (1385-1465) . . . Narrative Lucy (1757- ) . . . Narrative Mary (1514- ) . . . Narrative Mary (1569- ) . . . Narrative Mary (1653-1711) . . . Narrative Mary "Marie" (1434- ) . . . Narrative Mary "Molly" (1766-1858) . . . Narrative Michael Sr. (*) (1535-1614) . . . Narrative Captain Michael Jr. (*) (1579-1648) . . . Narrative Michael III (1608-1688) . . . Narrative Sir Nathaniel (1605-1651) . . . Narrative Rebecca (1658- ) . . . Narrative Sir Richard (*) (1234-1266) . . . Narrative Richard (1540- ) . . . Narrative Sir Robert (1258-1341) . . . Narrative Robert (K) (1479-1548) . . . Narrative Rodah (1762-1792) . . . Narrative Roger (*) (1310-1394) . . . Narrative Rose (1550- ) . . . Narrative Samuel (1623-1681) . . . Narrative Samuel (1665-1743) . . . Narrative Sarah (1575- ) . . . Narrative Sarah (1628-1652) . . . Narrative Sarah (1663- ) . . . Narrative Sarah (1721-1795) . . . Narrative Sarah (1751-1849) . . . Narrative Stephen (1677-1766) . . . Narrative Susanna (1668- ) . . . Narrative Susannah (*) (1625-1664) . . . Narrative Thomas Sr. (*) (1480-1535) . . . Narrative Thomas Jr. (1502- ) . . . Narrative Thomas (1537- ) . . . Narrative Thomas (*) (1572-1614) . . . Narrative Thomas (1609- ) . . . Narrative Thomas (1667-1749) . . . Narrative Timothy (1690-1773) . . . Narrative William (1378- ) . . . Narrative William (1st) (1432- ) . . . Narrative William (2nd) (1436- ) . . . Narrative William (1491- ) . . . Narrative William (1534-1574) . . . Narrative William (1552-1610) . . . Narrative William (1577-1653) . . . Narrative William (1611-1699) . . . Narrative William (1694-1776) . . . Narrative
BAILEYMercy (*) (1480- ) . . . Narrative
BAKERAnna (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative Joseph (*) (1655- ) . . . Narrative Mary (*) (1702-1768) . . . Narrative
BANKMaude (*) (1395- ) . . . Narrative
BANNISTERAdam of Bretherton (*) ( -1346) . . . Narrative
BARKERMary (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
BARODJoane (*) (1355- ) . . . Narrative
BARROWSAlice ( - ) . . . Narrative
BARTONLady Dorothy (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
BASSETJane (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1378- ) . . . Narrative Ralph (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1078-1120) . . . Narrative Ralph (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1131- ) . . . Narrative Ralph (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1160- ) . . . Narrative Ralph (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1189-1254) . . . Narrative Ralph I (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1215-1265) . . . Narrative Ralph II (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1242-1299) . . . Narrative Ralph III (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1279-1343) . . . Narrative Ralph IV (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1305-1335) . . . Narrative Ralph V (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1335-1390) . . . Narrative Richard (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1102-1144) . . . Narrative Thurston (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1050- ) . . . Narrative
BASSETT(Unknown) Duke of the Normans (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (870- ) . . . Narrative Sir Alan (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1155-1232) . . . Narrative Philip (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1184-1271) . . . Narrative
BASSETT,Aline Countess of Norfolk (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1231-1281) . . . Narrative
BATTISFORDElizabeth (*) (1363-1405) . . . Narrative William (*) (1337- ) . . . Narrative
BAYFORDAgnes (1620- ) . . . Narrative Annis Agnes (*) (1603-1683) . . . Narrative Francis (*) (1567-1622) . . . Narrative Johan "John" (1605- ) . . . Narrative John (1607- ) . . . Narrative Richard (1601- ) . . . Narrative
BAYNARDJoan (*) (1322-1400) . . . Narrative
BEARDINGSarah ( - ) . . . Narrative
BEAUCHAMPJohn (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1381-1412) . . . Narrative Margaret (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1410-1482) . . . Narrative Roger (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1363-1406) . . . Narrative
BEAUMONTWaleran (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (990-1069) . . . Narrative
BEDELLElizabeth (*) (1525- ) . . . Narrative
BEEBE(Unknown Daughter) (1808- ) . . . Narrative Abner (1803-1870) . . . Narrative Agnes (1667-1748) . . . Narrative Alexander (1604- ) . . . Narrative Alexander Thomas (1555-1624) . . . Narrative Ann (1606- ) . . . Narrative Anne (1742- ) . . . Narrative Austin (1804-1881) . . . Narrative Azariah Sr. (*) (1739-1825) . . . Narrative Azariah Jr. (1769-1806) . . . Narrative Betsey (1807- ) . . . Narrative Celia Chloe (1819- ) . . . Narrative Edwin Franklin House (1813-1864) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1596-1650) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1710- ) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1749-1810) . . . Narrative Hannah (1640-1650) . . . Narrative Hannah (1744- ) . . . Narrative Hannah (1767-1825) . . . Narrative James (1598- ) . . . Narrative James (1641-1728) . . . Narrative John (1st) ( -1730) . . . Narrative John Sr., The Elder (*) (1560-1622) . . . Narrative John II (*) (1600-1650) . . . Narrative John III (1628-1708) . . . Narrative John (2nd) (1730-1756) . . . Narrative John (1817- ) . . . Narrative Jonathan Sr. (1674-1761) . . . Narrative Laura (1815-1852) . . . Narrative Louisa (*) (1809-1894) . . . Narrative Lucy (1700- ) . . . Narrative Lydia (1763-1822) . . . Narrative Margery (1608-1705) . . . Narrative Martha (1825-1830) . . . Narrative Mary (1556-1610) . . . Narrative Mary (1659-1692) . . . Narrative Mary (1700-1723) . . . Narrative Mary Rebecca (1630-1672) . . . Narrative Mercy "Mary" (1678-1729) . . . Narrative Nathaniel (1635-1724) . . . Narrative Nathaniel Sr. (*) (1668-1724) . . . Narrative Nathaniel Jr. (1702-1770) . . . Narrative Rhoda Neomah (1752-1823) . . . Narrative Richard (1705-1754) . . . Narrative Richard (*) (1781-1856) . . . Narrative Samuel (*) (1490-1561) . . . Narrative Samuel Sr. (*) (1633-1712) . . . Narrative Samuel Jr. (1660-1741) . . . Narrative Samuel Sr. (*) (1701-1778) . . . Narrative Samuel Jr. (1743-1780) . . . Narrative Sarah Esther (1734-1810) . . . Narrative Susanna "Anne" (1672-1702) . . . Narrative Thomas (*) (1535-1561) . . . Narrative Thomas (1607-1706) . . . Narrative Thomas (1633-1699) . . . Narrative Thomas (1680-1720) . . . Narrative Thomas (1821- ) . . . Narrative Tryphena (1811- ) . . . Narrative William (1595-1706) . . . Narrative William Sr. (1665-1750) . . . Narrative
BEERSSarah (*) (1639-1723) . . . Narrative
BELLAMYBridget (*) (1621- ) . . . Narrative Jeremiah (*) (1591- ) . . . Narrative
BELLEMEWilliam (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) ( - ) . . . Narrative
BENEDICTElizabeth (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
BENETTElizabeth (*) (1588- ) . . . Narrative
BERGUNDYAlice (*) (903- ) . . . Narrative
BERKELEYAlice (*)(|)(=)(:) (1258- ) . . . Narrative
BERNERSMargaret "Margery" Countess of Stafford (*) (1418-1475) . . . Narrative
BIGOTMargery (*) (1184- ) . . . Narrative
BILLINGSDorothy (*) (1702-1738) . . . Narrative Lt. Ebenezer Sr. (1661-1725) . . . Narrative Hannah (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative William Sr. (*) (1615- ) . . . Narrative William Jr. (*) (1660-1738) . . . Narrative
BIRDAnne (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
BISSELJustus (*) (1759-1832) . . . Narrative Roxanna (*) (1793-1871) . . . Narrative
BLACKMOREMary (*) (1612-1694) . . . Narrative
BLODGETTAnn (*) (1760-1839) . . . Narrative
BLOWERSAlice (*) (1581-1648) . . . Narrative
BODWELLAbigail (*) (1686-1778) . . . Narrative
BONAYSusannah (*) ( -1748) . . . Narrative
BOSWORTHEdward (*) (1589- ) . . . Narrative Nathaniel (*) (1617- ) . . . Narrative Sarah (*) (1646-1673) . . . Narrative
BOTELERElizabeth ( - ) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1455-1514) . . . Narrative John I Esq. (!)(*) (1435-1489) . . . Narrative John II Esq. (!)(*) (1459-1514) . . . Narrative Margaret (*) (1490-1520) . . . Narrative Sir Philip ( - ) . . . Narrative Sir Phillip MP (1488-1545) . . . Narrative Richard (!) (1491-1545) . . . Narrative
BOUCHARDLady Ann Michel (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
BOURCHIERAnna (*) (1470-1529) . . . Narrative, Narrative Humphrey (*) (1444-1471) . . . Narrative Sir John 1st Baron Berners (*) (1415-1474) . . . Narrative Margaret (*) (1468-1551) . . . Narrative William Count of Eu de Bourchier (*) (1374-1420) . . . Narrative
BOURGOYNESprote (*)(|)(=)(:) (880- ) . . . Narrative
BOWETTElizabeth (*) (1405- ) . . . Narrative William (*) (1373-1421) . . . Narrative
BRADSHAWAlice (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1426- ) . . . Narrative
BRAIDSHAIGHThomas (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1400- ) . . . Narrative
BRANDONLady Anne L. (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
BREHMER(Unknown) (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative Johannes Friederich Wilhelm Sr. (1822-1901) . . . Narrative Wilhelmine Friederike (*) (1821-1896) . . . Narrative
BRISTONJohn Thomas (*) (1460- ) . . . Narrative Margaret (*) (1490-1525) . . . Narrative
BROADHURSTAbigail (*) (1685-1754) . . . Narrative Dorothy (1679- ) . . . Narrative Hannah (1682- ) . . . Narrative Ralph (*) (1640-1727) . . . Narrative Rhoda (1678- ) . . . Narrative
BRODEHLDorothea Eleonora (*) (1791-1846) . . . Narrative Dorothea Sophia (1793- ) . . . Narrative Michael Friedrich (*) (1748-1832) . . . Narrative Michael Friedrich (1787- ) . . . Narrative
BROWNAbigail (*) (1662-1756) . . . Narrative
BROWNE(Unknown Daughter) (1633-1647) . . . Narrative Agnes (1478- ) . . . Narrative Anne (1486- ) . . . Narrative Anne (1567- ) . . . Narrative Sir Christopher Sr. (*) (1450-1516) . . . Narrative Christopher Jr. (1482-1538) . . . Narrative Edmund (1480- ) . . . Narrative Francis (1476-1550) . . . Narrative George (1488- ) . . . Narrative Henry Sr. (*) (1546-1596) . . . Narrative Henry Jr. (*) (1568-1620) . . . Narrative Sir John IV (*) (1415-1466) . . . Narrative John (1631-1708) . . . Narrative Lady Katherine (*) (1481-1523) . . . Narrative Martha (1630-1647) . . . Narrative Peter Sr. (*) (~) (1596-1633) . . . Narrative Peter Jr. (1632-1692) . . . Narrative Rebecca (*) (~) (1632-1708) . . . Narrative
BRUSAdam I (*) (1101-1143) . . . Narrative Adam II (*) (1143-1196) . . . Narrative Adelm (*) (1051- ) . . . Narrative Robert (*) (1071-1141) . . . Narrative
BRUSESSONRagnvald II (*) (1011-1046) . . . Narrative
BRUSHETTChristobel (*) (1592-1655) . . . Narrative
BUDDERAgneta (*) (1551- ) . . . Narrative
BUIDHEEochaidh (*) (548- ) . . . Narrative
BURGATEAlice (*) (1250-1334) . . . Narrative Roger (*) (1200- ) . . . Narrative
BURGHAnkaret (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
BURRELLAnn (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1555-1610) . . . Narrative
BUSHEMary Elizabeth (*) (1591-1644) . . . Narrative
BUSHNELLHannah (*) (1676-1722) . . . Narrative
BYFIELDPriscilla (*) (1609-1687) . . . Narrative
BYRDELady Christine Joan (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
BYRONElizabeth (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
CADELSibell (*) (1576-1605) . . . Narrative
CAMBRAYEllen (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
CAREWIsabel (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
CARNSMadeline Jane (*) (1560-1611) . . . Narrative
CELLERSElizabeth Holdsworth (*) (1505-1570) . . . Narrative
CHADWICKAdarean (*) (1588- ) . . . Narrative
CHANDLER(Unknown Child) (1683- ) . . . Narrative Agnes ( - ) . . . Narrative Lady Agnes ( - ) . . . Narrative Anne ( - ) . . . Narrative Anne (*) (1569-1630) . . . Narrative Annis (1639-1682) . . . Narrative Barbara ( - ) . . . Narrative Barnabas (1752-1756) . . . Narrative Chloe (1756-1756) . . . Narrative Daniel (1729-1790) . . . Narrative Daniel (1748-1844) . . . Narrative David Sr. (*) (1712-1796) . . . Narrative David Jr. (1744-1822) . . . Narrative Dorothy (1718-1773) . . . Narrative Edward ( - ) . . . Narrative Elijah (1737-1821) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1601-1619) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1662-1688) . . . Narrative Eunice (1726-1769) . . . Narrative Hannah (1630-1711) . . . Narrative Hannah (1669-1692) . . . Narrative Hannah (1745-1829) . . . Narrative Henry (*) (1565-1618) . . . Narrative Henry (1632-1637) . . . Narrative Hepzibah (1720-1810) . . . Narrative James ( - ) . . . Narrative John ( - ) . . . Narrative John III ( - ) . . . Narrative Deacon John Sr. (*) (1634-1703) . . . Narrative John Jr. (1st) (1659-1660) . . . Narrative John Jr. (2nd) (1665-1743) . . . Narrative Joseph (1638-1665) . . . Narrative Joseph (1667-1668) . . . Narrative Joseph Sr. (*) (1683-1749) . . . Narrative Joseph Jr. (1st) (1709-1709) . . . Narrative Joseph Jr. (2nd) (1710-1780) . . . Narrative Josiah (1724-1798) . . . Narrative Lemuel (1750-1754) . . . Narrative Mary (1738-1784) . . . Narrative Mehitable (1673- ) . . . Narrative Mehitable (1742-1815) . . . Narrative Peter (1st) (1716-1732) . . . Narrative Peter (2nd) (1733-1816) . . . Narrative Raphael ( - ) . . . Narrative Raphe ( - ) . . . Narrative Richard ( - ) . . . Narrative Richard (1591-1592) . . . Narrative Robert ( - ) . . . Narrative Samuel (1st) (1605-1606) . . . Narrative Samuel (2nd) (1607- ) . . . Narrative Sarah ( - ) . . . Narrative Sarah (1598-1618) . . . Narrative Sarah (1638-1692) . . . Narrative Sarah (1679-1711) . . . Narrative Sarah (*) (1740-1814) . . . Narrative Silas (1752-1829) . . . Narrative Stephen (1722-1752) . . . Narrative Stephen (1754-1756) . . . Narrative Susanna (1713-1801) . . . Narrative Thomas I (*) (1475-1551) . . . Narrative Thomas II (*) (1500-1554) . . . Narrative Thomas III (*) (1528-1611) . . . Narrative Thomas (1628-1703) . . . Narrative Tobias ( - ) . . . Narrative Tobias ( - ) . . . Narrative William ( - ) . . . Narrative William Sr. (*) (1595-1641) . . . Narrative William Jr. (1st) (1627-1633) . . . Narrative William Jr. (2nd) (1636-1698) . . . Narrative
CHAPMANMargaret (*) (1500-1550) . . . Narrative
CHAPPELLydia (*) (1743-1790) . . . Narrative
CHAPPELLMary (*) (1562-1603) . . . Narrative William (*) (1520- ) . . . Narrative
CHAUNDELERJohn ( - ) . . . Narrative John (*) (1450-1524) . . . Narrative
CHENEYCatherine (1434- ) . . . Narrative Lady Elizabeth (*) (1422-1473) . . . Narrative Henry (*) (1340- ) . . . Narrative Sir John (1424-1489) . . . Narrative Sir Laurence (*) (1393-1461) . . . Narrative Lawrence (1422- ) . . . Narrative Mary (1421-1473) . . . Narrative William (*) (1368-1399) . . . Narrative
CHEWYT(Unknown) (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1145- ) . . . Narrative
CLAPPAnne (*) (1609-1662) . . . Narrative
CLARBYAnne Marlley (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
CLARKEAgnes (*) (1511-1577) . . . Narrative
CLAVERINGEupheme Fitzroger (*) (1267-1329) . . . Narrative
CLENCHLori (*) (1574-1635) . . . Narrative
CLOPTONJohanna (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1363- ) . . . Narrative William (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1336-1377) . . . Narrative
COCKAYNEAndreas "Andrew" (!)(*) (1122- ) . . . Narrative Lady Elizabeth Countess of Hartley (!)(*) (1394-1439) . . . Narrative, Narrative Henry ( - ) . . . Narrative John ( - ) . . . Narrative John I (!)(*) (1276-1324) . . . Narrative John II (!)(*) (1300-1357) . . . Narrative Sir John III (!)(*) (1325-1372) . . . Narrative Sir John IV, Baron of Exchequer (!)(*) (1358-1429) . . . Narrative Sir Reginald ( - ) . . . Narrative Roger (!)(*) (1220-1284) . . . Narrative Thomas ( - ) . . . Narrative William (!)(*) (1153-1242) . . . Narrative William II (!)(*) (1184-1270) . . . Narrative William (!)(*) (1248- ) . . . Narrative
COCKERELL(Unknown) (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1170- ) . . . Narrative
COCKFIELDAgnes (*) (1457-1503) . . . Narrative Sir Thomas (*) (1415- ) . . . Narrative
COLEAlthildis ( - ) . . . Narrative Ann (*)(^) (1579-1636) . . . Narrative
COLLINGEAnn (*) (1514- ) . . . Narrative
COLLINSHannah (*) (1616-1704) . . . Narrative Joan (1500- ) . . . Narrative
COLVEREsther (*) (1698-1770) . . . Narrative
COMSTOCKAlice (*) (1583-1644) . . . Narrative
COOKHannah (*) (1667- ) . . . Narrative
COOKEMargaret Mary (*) (1591-1642) . . . Narrative Nicholas (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
COREYMargery (*) (1490-1546) . . . Narrative
CORLISSMartha (*) (1651- ) . . . Narrative
CORNWALLJoan Joyce (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
CORWINRebecca (*) (1535-1611) . . . Narrative
COWDRIEAnn (*) (1603-1657) . . . Narrative
COWPERAlice (*) (1569- ) . . . Narrative William (*) (1546- ) . . . Narrative
CRABBEMary (*) (1565-1650) . . . Narrative
CRARYJohn (*) (1685-1759) . . . Narrative Peter (*) (1645-1708) . . . Narrative Rachel (*) (1730- ) . . . Narrative
CREARYAnne (*) (1584-1634) . . . Narrative
CRIOLElizabeth (*) (1282-1345) . . . Narrative
CROFTSLady Elizabeth Sutton (*) (1400-1470) . . . Narrative Thomas (*) (1385- ) . . . Narrative
CROSSAnna (1651-1710) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1611-1638) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1636-1688) . . . Narrative George (1656- ) . . . Narrative John (1644-1704) . . . Narrative Martha (1619- ) . . . Narrative Martha (*) (1643-1726) . . . Narrative Mary (1640-1710) . . . Narrative Nathaniel (1654- ) . . . Narrative Peter (1653-1737) . . . Narrative Rachel (1609- ) . . . Narrative Ralph (1658-1711) . . . Narrative Robert Sr. (*) (1613-1670) . . . Narrative Robert Jr. (1642-1710) . . . Narrative Sarah (1606-1610) . . . Narrative Sarah (1657-1710) . . . Narrative Captain Stephen (1646-1704) . . . Narrative Susan (1606- ) . . . Narrative Thomas I (*) (1548-1590) . . . Narrative Thomas III (1604- ) . . . Narrative Thomas John II (*) (1580-1640) . . . Narrative William (1617- ) . . . Narrative
D' ANJOUGerberga (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (962- ) . . . Narrative
D' ARBETOTAmaury Raoul (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1066- ) . . . Narrative
D' AVRANCHESGeva (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1076- ) . . . Narrative Maud (*) (1054- ) . . . Narrative Richard (*) (1025-1066) . . . Narrative
D' EVREAUXAgnaes (*)(|)(=)(:) (1030- ) . . . Narrative
D'ARDENNEAgnes (*) (1080-1118) . . . Narrative
D'AVRANCHESMaude Margaret (*) (1028- ) . . . Narrative
DAGSDATTERHlif (*) (772- ) . . . Narrative
DAGSDOTTERDagreid (*) (449- ) . . . Narrative
DAGSSON,Agni King in Sweden (*) (424- ) . . . Narrative
DAMMARTINAgnes (*) (1177- ) . . . Narrative Alberic (*) (1151- ) . . . Narrative
DANFORTHMary (*) (1621-1674) . . . Narrative Nicholas (*) (1589-1638) . . . Narrative
DANSPSDOTTERDrott (*) (365- ) . . . Narrative
DARLINGAgnes Eliza (*) (+) (1400-1446) . . . Narrative
DARTAnn (*) (1674-1720) . . . Narrative
DAVEYJoane (*) (1520-1557) . . . Narrative Sir John (*) (1494-1552) . . . Narrative Robert (*) (1432-1485) . . . Narrative
DAVISAbigail (1641-1728) . . . Narrative Elen (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative Gereshom I (1643- ) . . . Narrative Hannah (*) (1635-1684) . . . Narrative Hannah (*) (1693- ) . . . Narrative John (*) (1581- ) . . . Narrative Priscilla (1650-1698) . . . Narrative Samuel (*) (1606-1672) . . . Narrative
DAYRELLElizabeth Anne (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
DE AGENOISCountess Rosalinde (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (842- ) . . . Narrative
DE ANGOULEMECount Alduin (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (866-916) . . . Narrative Wulgrim (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (835-866) . . . Narrative
DE ARCHAICMainard Le Riche (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (973- ) . . . Narrative Petronille (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (994- ) . . . Narrative
DE ARCHESJueta (*) (1106-1206) . . . Narrative
DE AULNEYFouque (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1005- ) . . . Narrative
DE BACONAnchetal Bascoin (*) (1050-1075) . . . Narrative Grimbaldus (*) (1075-1166) . . . Narrative John I (*) (1272-1358) . . . Narrative John II (*) (1300-1322) . . . Narrative Ralph FitzGrimbaldus (*) (1106-1152) . . . Narrative Ralph Renoff Reynolds (*) (1190-1224) . . . Narrative Ranauf "Ralph" (*) (1160- ) . . . Narrative Randulf I (*) (1000- ) . . . Narrative Ranulf Bayeux I (*) (1020-1087) . . . Narrative Robert II (*) (1245-1290) . . . Narrative Sir Robert Kimber I (*) (1214-1294) . . . Narrative
DE BAYEUXAnschitil (*) (966-1031) . . . Narrative
DE BEAUCHAMPGiles (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1309-1361) . . . Narrative Roger (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1337- ) . . . Narrative Walter (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1283-1303) . . . Narrative
DE BEAUFFOUAlice (*) (1015- ) . . . Narrative
DE BEAUMONTAlice (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) ( - ) . . . Narrative Ivo (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1010- ) . . . Narrative Roger (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1022-1094) . . . Narrative
DE BEAUMONT,Robert 1st Earl of Leicester (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1046-1118) . . . Narrative Robert "Bossu" 2nd Earl of Leicester (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1104-1168) . . . Narrative
DE BELLAMYMaud (!) ( - ) . . . Narrative
DE BELLEMEWilliam (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (966- ) . . . Narrative
DE BIGOT(Unknown) (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1048- ) . . . Narrative
DE BRAOSESybil (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1157-1227) . . . Narrative
DE BRIOQUIBECErtemberge (*)(|)(=)(:) (925- ) . . . Narrative Lancelot (*)(|)(=)(:) (905- ) . . . Narrative
DE BRITTANYEmma (*) (1034-1094) . . . Narrative
DE BRIWEREJoan (*) (1197- ) . . . Narrative
DE BRUSIsabel (*) (1160-1230) . . . Narrative
DE BRUSSERobert (*) (1036- ) . . . Narrative
DE BULMERAschetil (*) (1070-1129) . . . Narrative Bertram (*) (1100-1166) . . . Narrative Emma (*) (1144-1208) . . . Narrative
DE BURESCatherine (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1313- ) . . . Narrative John (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1272-1350) . . . Narrative
DE BURGUNDYAlix Ala (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) ( - ) . . . Narrative
DE CENTVILLEOsmond (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (960- ) . . . Narrative
DE CLAREMaud (*) (1276-1327) . . . Narrative
DE CLEVESLietgarde (*) (987- ) . . . Narrative
DE CLIFFORDIdonea (*) (1300-1365) . . . Narrative Robert (*) (1274-1314) . . . Narrative Roger (*) (1243-1282) . . . Narrative
DE CLOPTONEWalter I (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1120- ) . . . Narrative Walter II (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1150- ) . . . Narrative Walter (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1298-1329) . . . Narrative William I (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1170- ) . . . Narrative William II (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1195- ) . . . Narrative William III (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1250-1326) . . . Narrative
DE COLLYERLady Mary of Lancashire (*) (1295-1355) . . . Narrative
DE COLUMBIERESCecily (*) (1201-1298) . . . Narrative
DE CONTEVILLEEmma (*) (1043- ) . . . Narrative, Narrative Harlevin (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1001- ) . . . Narrative Jean (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (969- ) . . . Narrative Oda (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (994- ) . . . Narrative
DE CREPONHerbastus (*)(|)(=)(:) (911- ) . . . Narrative Wevia "Duceline" (*)(|)(=)(:) (942- ) . . . Narrative
DE DACREHugh (*) (1335-1383) . . . Narrative Joan (*+) (1433-1486) . . . Narrative Randolph (*) (1290-1339) . . . Narrative Thomas (*) (1387-1457) . . . Narrative Thomas II (*+) (1410- ) . . . Narrative William (*) (1265-1318) . . . Narrative William (*) (1357-1399) . . . Narrative
DE DALBURYAlice (!)(*) (1188- ) . . . Narrative
DE ENGLANDMadam Cecelia (*) (1054- ) . . . Narrative
DE EVREAUXCountess Maud (*)(|)(=)(:) (1130- ) . . . Narrative
DE FAIRSTEDMargaret (*) (1457-1546) . . . Narrative
DE FALAISEFulbert (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (978-1017) . . . Narrative Gauthier (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative Hariette (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1003-1050) . . . Narrative
DE FERRERSAnne (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1268-1323) . . . Narrative Avice (1077-1135) . . . Narrative Robert II (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1110-1141) . . . Narrative Walkelin "William" (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1140-1189) . . . Narrative William I (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1168-1247) . . . Narrative William III (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1240-1287) . . . Narrative William (1272-1325) . . . Narrative
DE FERRIERESAmicea (1068- ) . . . Narrative Engenulph Master of Duffield Castle (1064-1125) . . . Narrative Gundreda (1088- ) . . . Narrative Henry (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1036-1088) . . . Narrative Henry (1084-1101) . . . Narrative Maud (1060- ) . . . Narrative Robert I 1st Earl of Derby (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1062-1139) . . . Narrative Walchelinde (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1010-1045) . . . Narrative
DE FIENNESAlan (*) (1121- ) . . . Narrative Giles (*) (1250-1293) . . . Narrative Ingelram (*) (1147-1190) . . . Narrative Ingelram (*) (1210-1265) . . . Narrative James (*) (1069- ) . . . Narrative John (*) (1095- ) . . . Narrative William (*) (1185-1241) . . . Narrative
DE FLANDERSErmengarde (*+) (1005- ) . . . Narrative Ledgarde (*+) (941-964) . . . Narrative
DE FORESTMarie (*) (1012- ) . . . Narrative
DE FRIMUTELFrotmund Desposynl (-50--11) . . . Narrative
DE GAIAline (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1164-1229) . . . Narrative
DE GALLOWAYAlan (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1186-1234) . . . Narrative Elena "Helen" (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1200-1245) . . . Narrative
DE GANDAdalbert (*+) (1004- ) . . . Narrative Count Arnoul (*+) (984- ) . . . Narrative Gilbert (*+) (1048-1094) . . . Narrative Gisele (*) (1029- ) . . . Narrative Ralph (*+) (1022- ) . . . Narrative Theodric (*+) (956- ) . . . Narrative
DE GARLENDEAgnes (*)(|)(=)(:) (1095-1181) . . . Narrative Anselm (*)(|)(=)(:) (1069-1118) . . . Narrative
DE GAUNTEmma (*+) (1071-1140) . . . Narrative Felia (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1070- ) . . . Narrative
DE GOBIONHugh (!) ( -1274) . . . Narrative
DE GOMETZBetrade (*)(|)(=)(:) (1001- ) . . . Narrative
DE GRANDMESNILAgnes (*) (1065- ) . . . Narrative
DE GRENTEMESNILHugh (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1092- ) . . . Narrative Ives "Ivo" (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1064-1118) . . . Narrative Petronille (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1134-1212) . . . Narrative
DE GREYEdith "Ida" (!)(*) (1368-1426) . . . Narrative Hawise (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1239- ) . . . Narrative Ivetta (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1340- ) . . . Narrative Joan (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1283-1353) . . . Narrative John (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1205-1265) . . . Narrative John (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1268-1323) . . . Narrative Muriel (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1166- ) . . . Narrative Reynold (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1235-1308) . . . Narrative Reynold 2nd Baron Grey of Ruthin (!)(*) (1323- ) . . . Narrative Thomas (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1295- ) . . . Narrative
DE HARCOURTBernard "The Dane" (*)(|)(=)(:) (860-955) . . . Narrative Grace (*) (1150- ) . . . Narrative Humphrey (*)(|)(=)(:) (980-1044) . . . Narrative Margaret (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1156-1235) . . . Narrative Margaret (*) (1165-1212) . . . Narrative Torf "The Rich" (*)(|)(=)(:) (900- ) . . . Narrative Tourude (*)(|)(=)(:) (940- ) . . . Narrative
DE HASTINGSAlice (*) (1352-1440) . . . Narrative
DE HERISTAL,Arnoul Bishop of Metz (*+) (582-640) . . . Narrative
DE HOLLANDAdam (1228-1269) . . . Narrative Agnes (1435-1486) . . . Narrative Lady Avena (1234- ) . . . Narrative Bryan (1435- ) . . . Narrative Lady Elinor (1254-1280) . . . Narrative Lady Elizabeth (1260-1328) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1295-1332) . . . Narrative Elizabeth (1350- ) . . . Narrative Henry (1386-1430) . . . Narrative Hildegarde (*) (961- ) . . . Narrative Sir John (1332- ) . . . Narrative Lady Margaret (1235-1275) . . . Narrative Margaret (1258-1324) . . . Narrative Lady Margaret Baroness Wiswall (1287-1329) . . . Narrative Lady Mary of Prestwich Lancashire (1329- ) . . . Narrative Mathew (*) (1167-1224) . . . Narrative Sir Matthew (1225-1255) . . . Narrative Nicholas (1363- ) . . . Narrative Ralph (1350-1405) . . . Narrative Richard (1224-1240) . . . Narrative Sir Richard (*) (1325-1402) . . . Narrative Richard (1353-1400) . . . Narrative Richard (1384-1430) . . . Narrative Richard Sr. (*) (1441-1501) . . . Narrative Lord Robert I (Knight) (*) (1197-1242) . . . Narrative Sir Robert II (1220-1275) . . . Narrative Sir Robert (Knight) 1st Baron of Holand (*) (1253-1311) . . . Narrative Robert (1285-1328) . . . Narrative Robert (1330- ) . . . Narrative Roger (1227- ) . . . Narrative Roger (1259-1328) . . . Narrative Simon (1265-1325) . . . Narrative Sir Thomas 2nd Earl of Kent and 3rd Baron of Holland (1354-1423) . . . Narrative Thomas (1386- ) . . . Narrative Sir Thurstan II (Knight) of Up Holland Lancashire (*) (1292-1368) . . . Narrative Sir Thurstan I (*) (1359-1423) . . . Narrative Sir Thurstan II (*) (1390-1467) . . . Narrative Sir Thurston (Knight) (*) (1222-1275) . . . Narrative William (1232-1255) . . . Narrative William (1361-1423) . . . Narrative
DE HOOCecilly (*) (1300-1354) . . . Narrative
DE I'AIGLEBertha Countess of Surrey (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1045- ) . . . Narrative
DE KELLETLady Margaret (*) (1228-1282) . . . Narrative
DE KELLETTLady Eva (*) (1120-1200) . . . Narrative
DE KENYONAmeria Heiress of Leigh (*) (1337-1423) . . . Narrative
DE KIRTONFelicia (*) (1320-1346) . . . Narrative
DE KNIVETONLettice (!)(*) (1280- ) . . . Narrative
DE L'ISLEHelen (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1174-1212) . . . Narrative
DE LA HATEAubreye (*)(|)(=)(:) (984-1045) . . . Narrative
DE LA SEEMargaret (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative
DE LANCASTERAvice (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1088-1149) . . . Narrative
DE LEIGHTONSir John I (*) (1316- ) . . . Narrative Richard (1355- ) . . . Narrative
DE LETHERINGSETTMatilda (*) (1137- ) . . . Narrative
DE LEUMESINGuiscard (*) (1130-1209) . . . Narrative Henry (*) (1215-1276) . . . Narrative Robert (*) (1149-1219) . . . Narrative Walter Viscount de Mouline (*) (1237-1297) . . . Narrative
DE LONGCHAMPMaud (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1245-1302) . . . Narrative
DE LONGVAILEIsabella (*) (1290- ) . . . Narrative
DE LONGWORTHSiward (*) (1140-1170) . . . Narrative Uilf (*) (1118-1157) . . . Narrative
DE LONGWORTH DE HOLLANDBrian (*) (1050- ) . . . Narrative Sir Raufe (*) (1072-1140) . . . Narrative
DE LORRAINEAlberade (*) (930-973) . . . Narrative Gerberge (*) (977-1015) . . . Narrative
DE LOUVAIN BARBATUSJoscelin (*) (1123-1180) . . . Narrative
DE LOVAINELady Hawise Countess of Norfolk (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1215-1256) . . . Narrative Matthew (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1180-1261) . . . Narrative
DE LOWTHROPPEWalter I (*) (1292-1382) . . . Narrative Walter II (*) (1305- ) . . . Narrative
DE LUXEMBOURGOtgive (*) (986-1030) . . . Narrative
DE MAINECountess Blichilde (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (794- ) . . . Narrative Count Roricon (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (790- ) . . . Narrative
DE MENAPIE,Grotte Queen of The Franks (*) (44-98) . . . Narrative
DE MESCHINESAgnes (*)(|)(=)(:)(/) (1174-1247) . . . Narrative Earl of Chester Hugh of Kevelioc (*)(|)(=)(:) (1147-1181) . . . Narrative Joanna (*) (1145- ) . . . Narrative Ranulph (*) (1099-1153) . . . Narrative
DE MICHENORAudrey (*) (1513-1588) . . . Narrative
DE MONCEAUXJohn (*) ( - ) . . . Narrative Maud (*) (1306- ) . . . Narrative
DE MONTFORT(Unknown) (*) (928- ) . . . Narrative Alice (*) (1050- ) . . . Narrative Amauri (*)(|)(=)(:) (1000-1031) . . . Narrative Amaury (*)(|)(=)(:) (1070-1137) . . . Narrative Betrade (*)(|)(=)(:) (1155-1189) . . . Narrative Baron Guillaume (*)(|)(=)(:) (967-1003) . . . Narrative Hugh I (*) (975- ) . . . Narrative Hugh II (*) (1020- ) . . . Narrative Simon I (*)(|)(=)(:) (1025-1087) . . . Narrative
Go to next index.