Twelfth Generation

2882. Thomas Richard ALVORD (*) was born in 1574 in Whitestaunton, Somerset County, England. He died in 1636 at the age of 62 in Whitestaunton, Somerset County, England. Joane HAWKINS (*) and Thomas Richard ALVORD (*) were married on 11 May 1618 in Ashill, Somerset County, England.

2883. Joane HAWKINS (*) was born in April 1594 in Ashill, Somerset County, England. She died on 27 May 1636 at the age of 42 in Whitestaunton, Somerset County, England.

Children were:



Joanne ALVORD (*).


Alexander ALVORD was born in 1627 in Bridgeport, Dorset County, England. He died on 3 October 1687 at the age of 60 in Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

May 23, 1687.

Whereas I Alexandr Alvord of Northampton in ye Countie of Hampshire in ye
Massachusetts Bay in New England being weak and deceased in strength and well stricken in years, dayly Lookeing wn I shall go hence vnto ye place appointed for all liveing doe therefore make, ordaine constitute & appoint this my Last Will and Testament, I being of perfect memory and sound Understanding I comitt my soul to God yt gave it and Jesus that redeemed it.

Hopeing through his merrits to receive pardon of all my sins and to be accepted in ye sight of
God. I leave my Body to be buried in comely manner at ye discretion of my Executor herafter
mentioned & as for that portion of outward estate yt God hath given me I dispose, alienate and bequeath it as followeth viz:

Whereas my son John Alvord; my daughter Abigaile wife to Thomas Roote; Mary Weller
deceased; and Elizabeth Birth deceased; having received ye full of their portiones already, I only give as follows viz.

To John Alvord twenty shillings; to Samll Root son to Thomas Root twenty shillings; to two of
my sons Weller's children, Experience, and Abigail, to each of ym 208, to Henry Burt's child

Item to Thomas Alvord twentie shillings and to his two sons Thomas and John twentie shillings to each of them.

To my son Benjamin Alvord I give that part of my old house joyneing to that wch my son Weller lived in, togeather with that piece of Land it standeth upon which was given me by the town.

Item to my son Jeremiah Alvord I give thirtie pounds. To my daughter Sarah Alvord I give thirtie pounds.

Item, to my son Jonth Alvord I give twentie pounds;

The rest of my Estate my just and due debts being payd I give to my son Ebenezer Alvord viz:
my house barne, orchard, pasture, meadow land, stock, debts, household stuff and all my estate whatsoever, both moveables and immoveables.

Alsoe my will is that ye Legacies be paid out of ye stock, debts & in moveable Estate, and to be payd to each of them, the one half at my decease, the other half within two years after; & my will is yt my son Ebenezer shall not alianate any part of ye lands given him but shall make such disposall of ye same to the heirs of his body as shall see cause.

And I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Ebenezer Alvord to be ye sole Executor of this my last will and testament.

In witness hereunto I have subscribed and sealed this 23d May 1687, and I desire my trustie
friende Mr Hawley to see this my will to be accomplished and to take special care of my
unmarried children; to advise them in matching & to have ye oversight of ym while they remayne in a single condition.

Signed sealed in ye prsence of us his A. A. marke.
Joseph Hawley
John Lyman.
[Northampton Reg. of Probate, Hampshire Co., Vol. 1, p. 265.]