Second Generation

5. Henrietta ARITY was born in 1822 in Madison Township, Madison County, NY.5 She appeared in the census in 1850 in Jefferson Township, Jefferson County, WI.2 She was living with her father. She appeared in the census in 1860 in Christiana Township, Dane County, WI.6 Henrietta died in March 1861 at the age of 39 in Christina, Dane County, WI.5 She was buried in Jefferson Township, Jefferson County, WI.5 in the Arity Family Cemetery.

Henrietta ARITY and William KEARN were married about 1852.1,5 William KEARN was born in 1817 in Madison Township, Madison County, NY.5 He died on 1 April 1899 at the age of 82 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee Township, Milwaukee County, WI.5 He was buried in Milwaukee County, WI.5 in the Woods National Cemetery.

William KEARN was born about 1817 in New York.6 He appeared in the census in 1860 in Christiana Township, Dane County, WI.6 He was buried in Jefferson Township, Jefferson County, WI.6 in the Arity Family Cemetery.