
  1. Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 7/16/2023.
  2. Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 7/16/2023.
  3. Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 4/10/2023.
  4. Pommerscher Verein Freistadt, 6/22/01.
  5. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1860 Census.
  6. "Genealogical Branches From Monroe County, Wisconsin", Volume II, Article 286.
  7. Gravestone List, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville Township, Monroe County, WI.
  8. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1900 Census.
  9. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Family Register, Page 1.
  10. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Death and Burial Records, Page 15.
  11. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1870 Census.
  12. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1880 Census.
  13. Gary Griggs Research of the Griggs, Pergande and Related Families, 6/16/2005.
  14. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Charter Member Register, Page 1.
  15. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Communion Records, Page 261.
  16. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild.
  17. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889).
  18. Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Early Deaths, 1856 to 1907".
  19. Gravestone Marker.
  20. Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Early Marriage Registrations, 1855 to 1907", Marriage Registration Record viewed by Gary Griggs, 8/5/2004.
  21. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1910 Census.
  22. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Church Register copied by Gary Griggs, 8/6/2004.
  23. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Death Records, Page 371.
  24. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Confirmation Register, Page 1.
  25. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book" (Taylor Publishing Company, 1984), Article 316.
  26. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1920 Census.
  27. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, "Descendants of Christian Roeder" report, e-mailed 12/19/2001.
  28. Marie Drescher, Oak Grove Cemetery Association, Gravestone List, Oak Grove Cemetery, Tomah, WI, From Marie Drescher's database, sent to Gary Griggs 11/2002.
  29. Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Early Marriage Registrations, 1855 to 1907".
  30. "Genealogical Branches From Monroe County, Wisconsin", Volume III, Article 16.
  31. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, "Descendants of Christian Roeder" report e-mailed 3/18/2002.
  32. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Marriage Record.
  33. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Extracted by Gary Griggs, 9/7/2003.
  34. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, "Descendants Report for John Gottlieb Roeder." 10/18/2004.
  35. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, 3/22/2004.
  36. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Death and Burial Register, Page 375.
  37. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Confirmation Register, Page 2.
  38. Odiene Zellmer Research of the Zellmer Family, primarily as found in the Mormon Genealogy Library microfilms of the Jankendorf, Posen church registers., "Descendants of Zellmer" report, mailed to Gary Griggs, 3/18/2006.
  39. Obituary.
  40. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 786.
  41. Scheer, Bill Research of the Zellmer Family, "Descendants of Michael Zellmer, Sr." report mailed to Gary Griggs, 9/2004.
  42. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Family Register, Page 11.
  43. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Death and Burial Records, Page 6.
  44. Odiene Zellmer Research of the Zellmer Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs and Bill Scheer, 3/14/2006.
  45. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Communion Register, Page 267.
  46. Lillian, John and Luann Marten, 1984, "A Genealogical Survey of the Marten Family".
  47. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Confirmation Register, Page 6.
  48. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Charter Member Register.
  49. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1930 Census.
  50. Birth Registration Records, Information Researched by Gary Griggs, 8/18/2008.
  51. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Register, Page 2.
  52. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 8.
  53. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Death Records, Page 372.
  54. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Marriage Records, Page 3.
  55. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Confirmation Register, Page 12.
  56. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Membership, Ridgeville Township, Monroe County, WI, 1900.
  57. Kenneth Schamens Research of the Schamens Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 3/25/2004.
  58. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Confirmation Register, Page 202.
  59. Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Baptism Register, Page 52.
  60. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, "Descendants of Brice McMullen Report," 3/14/2005.
  61. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 1105.
  62. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to VDV Gang.
  63. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 13.
  64. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Confirmation Records, Page 223.
  65. Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Birth Registrations, 1850-1944".
  66. Arlyn Bernhardt, Conrad and Caroline Bernhardt Family, 1700-1986.
  67. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Marriage Records, Page 1.
  68. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 168.
  69. Arlyn Bernhardt, Conrad and Caroline Bernhardt Family, 1700-1986, Page 2.
  70. Wisconsin State Census, Monroe County, WI, 1895 Census.
  71. Doris Waege, Family Group Sheet, Monroe County, WI, in possession of Gary Griggs.
  72. Funeral Memorial Card.
  73. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Death and Burial Records, Page 387.
  74. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1940 Census.
  75. Florence Brehmer Dougherty Research of the Brehmer Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 1/17/2004.
  76. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Death and Burial Records, Page 382.
  77. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Confirmation Register, Page 210.
  78. Florence Brehmer Dougherty Research of the Brehmer Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 2/5/2005.
  79. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 65.
  80. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 12.
  81. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Death and Burial Register, Page 378.
  82. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Confirmation Records, Page 222.
  83. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 1257.
  84. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Wilton Township, Page 130.
  85. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Marriage Records, Pages 310 and 311.
  86. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 1402.
  87. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Family Register, Page 10.
  88. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Death and Burial Records, Page 391.
  89. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Confirmation Records, Page 219.
  90. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 61.
  91. U.S. Social Security Death Index, Researched by Gary Griggs, 6/24/2010.
  92. Jim Dezotell e-mail to the VDV Gang, "Descendants of John Conrad Lobe" report, e-mailed 12/14/2009.
  93. Scheer, Bill Research of the Zellmer Family, "Descendants of John Daniel Zellmer" report mailed to Gary Griggs, 9/2004.
  94. Confirmation Picture from Arlyn Bernhardt.
  95. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 1390.
  96. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, 7/24/2004.
  97. Harold Ira Root Research of the Root Family, Compiled 1992.
  98. U.S. Census, La Crosse County, WI, 1940 Census.
  99. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1950 Census.
  100. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Extracted by Gary Griggs, 9/8/2003.
  101. Harold Root Phone Conversation with Gary Griggs, 11/12/01.
  102. Harold Ira Root Research of the Root Family, Compiled 1992, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 6/4/2005.
  103. Sparta Newspaper Index, 1867-1961.
  104. Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 1/17/2023.
  105. Marita Root Phone Conversation with Gary Griggs, 9/9/2003.
  106. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1928 edition.
  107. Website
    , Researched by Gary Griggs, 1/17/2023.
  108. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted, 9/17/2003.
  109. Orlin Root, Sr., Phone Conversation with Gary Griggs, 9/9/2002.
  110. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information excerpted by Gary Griggs, 9/12/2003.
  111. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, Family Group Record, 1/17/2004.
  112. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 1/12/2014.
  113. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Class reunion article and picture, 8/26/2004 .
  114. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, 65th Class Reunion Article, 7/31/2006.
  115. Diana Heser Morse e-mail to Gary Griggs, 4/10/2016.
  116. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to VDV Gang
    , Descendants of James Robert Vandervort report.
  117. Obituary, Torkelson Funeral Home Obituaries Website, 10/28/2021.
  118. Marie Drescher, Oak Grove Cemetery Association, Gravestone List, Oak Grove Cemetery, Tomah, WI, Records sent from Bonnie Dana to Gary Griggs, 1/20/2003.
  119. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 1/12/2014.
  120. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Class Reunion article, 8/27/2007.
  121. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 1/21/2020.
  122. Website, Reserched by Gary Griggs, 7/16/2023.
  123. Marlys Olson Waege Research of the Olson Family, Information given to Gary Griggs, 4/30/2003.
  124. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 951.
  125. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Class Reunion Picture, 9/7/2006.
  126. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 18.
  127. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Wellington Township, Page 117.
  128. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 50.
  129. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 52.
  130. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted 9/21/2003.
  131. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 1324.
  132. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 55.
  133. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Baptism Records, Page 64.
  134. "Wisconsin Vital Records, 1820-1907"
    <>, Downloaded by Gary Griggs, 4/10/2006.
  135. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1924 Edition.
  136. Florence Brehmer Dougherty Research of the Brehmer Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 4/29/2005.
  137. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 3--1909-1996), Baptism Records, Page 59.
  138. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information excerpted, 9/18/2003.
  139. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Article about their 64th Wedding Anniversary, 5/3/2007.
  140. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 1/14/2013.
  141. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 1/10/2013.
  142. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 1/14/2013.
  143. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 3/31/2014.
  144. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, Class reunion article and picture, 9/2/2003.
  145. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, 60th class reunion article and picture, 9/2008.
  146. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 11/6/2014.
  147. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", LaGrange Township, Page 47.
  148. Janelle Dvorak Research of the Vandervort and Clay Families, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 1/25/2005.
  149. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, 63rd Class Reunion Picture, 9/11/2008.
  150. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 12/16/2019.
  151. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper.
  152. Judy Decker, Judy Decker Family Tree Research
  153. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, "Descendants Report for Jeremy Belcher" e-mailed 11/10/2003.
  154. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 117.
  155. Judy Decker , Judy Decker Research of the Hoag Family
  156. Lois James Bartels Research of the Bartels Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs and Arlyn Bernhardt, 3/10/11, containing the "Descendants of John Tripp" report.
  157. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, "Descendants of Vine Taylor" report, e-mailed 1/21/2004.
  158. Obituary, Torkelson Funeral Home website, 6/23/2023.
  159. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, Article and Picture about 53rd Class Reunion, 10/23/2008.
  160. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 11/28/2011.
  161. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 5/4/2015.
  162. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Class Reunion article and picture, dated 24 July 2003.
  163. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Class Reunion article and picture, dated 4 September 2008.
  164. "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Oakdale Township, Page 76.
  165. Obituary, Tomah Journal, 8/31/2009.
  166. Dr. Irving H. Tesmer Research of the Hubert Family, "Descendants of Ferdinand Hubert" report, mailed to Gary Griggs, 7/7/2008.
  167. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 11/6/2014.
  168. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, Graduation Section, 6/8/2009.
  169. Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, 4/15/2004.
  170. Lois James Bartels Research of the Bartels Family, "Descendants of Orren H. Belcher Report" e-mailed to Gary Griggs, 1/11/2009.
  171. Lois James Bartels Research of the Bartels Family, "Descendants of George Wilson Belcher Report" e-mailed to Gary Griggs, 2/18/09.
  172. Kimberly Ann Root Smith Research of the Root Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 2/27/2011.
  173. Kimberly Ann Root Smith Research of the Root Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 1/30/2011.
  174. Don Root Research of the Root Family
    <>, email to Gary Griggs, 5/17/2020.
  175. Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Article about the Olsen/Deichler Family Reunion, 9/2/2004.
  176. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 8/31/2009.
  177. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 11/4/2014.
  178. Root, Don Research of the Lovelace Family, email to Gary Griggs, 5/18/2019.
  179. Lois James Bartels Research of the Bartels Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 12/10/2011.
  180. Kimberly Ann Root Smith Research of the Root Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 1/31/2011.