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- Records researched by Gary Griggs October 6, 2000 and August 10, 2002, and scanned August 6, 2004, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 1--1862-1889), Church Register copied by Gary Griggs, 8/6/2004.
- Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book" (Taylor Publishing Company, 1984), Article 1179.
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1900 Census.
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1880 Census.
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1910 Census.
- Gravestone List, St. Paul's German Lutheran Cemetery, Wilton, WI, Downloaded by Gary Griggs, 9/21/2003.
- Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Early Marriage Registrations, 1855 to 1907".
- Gravestone List, St. Paul's German Lutheran Cemetery, Wilton, WI.
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1930 Census.
- Monroe County, WI, Cemetery Database developed by Gary Griggs, 8/2007, Researched by Gary Griggs, 5/20/2009.
- Gravestone List, Wilton Hillside Cemetery, Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI.
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1920 Census.
- Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Birth Registrations, 1850-1944", Researched by Gary Griggs, 9/2/2010.
- U.S. Social Security Death Index, Researched by Gary Griggs, 9/2/2010.
- Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Birth Registrations, 1850-1944".
- Wisconsin State Census, Monroe County, WI, 1905 Census.
- Obituary.
- Podskalny, Geri Research of the Mabbott Family, email to Gary Griggs, 7/25/2019.
- Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild.
- Karen McCann Hett Research of the Behrens Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 9/1/2010.