Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | First Generation1. From an article in The Great Migration: "On 1 June 1660, Jeremiah Belcher of Ipswich, merchant, mortgaged to George Corwin of Salem, merchant, his one-hundred acre farm with houses, barn and other edifices, and sixteen acres of meadow in Ipswich. In addition to the mortgaged property, Jeremiah sold his oxen, Buck, Golden, Duke and Darby, his cows Black and Pye, and a steer to George Corwin at the same time. On 4 January 1660/1 , Jeremy Belcher of Ipswich, sergeant, sold to Thomas Wells of Ipswich eight acres of salt marsh at Hog Island. On 30 November 1664, Jeremiah Belcher acknowledged that he mortgaged to George Corwin of Salem, merchant, "all my farm containing one hundred acres" and housing, and also sixteen acres of meadow, also "my dwelling houses and ground" in Ipswich. On 12 July 1666, Jeremiah Belcher Sr. with "Mary my wife" sold house and lot to Joseph Redding of Ipswich. On 16 November 1668, Jeremiah Belcher agreed to pay Mr. Thomas Kellon of Boston, merchant, £24 in fish. On 8 April 1674, Jeremiah Belcher of Ipswich, merchant, with the consent of his wife (unnamed), mortgaged to George Corwin his farm and one hundred acres of land in Ipswich, also sixteen acres, all subject to a former mortgage held by Corwin. On 28 July 1674, Jeremiah Belcher Sr. of Ipswich acknowledged a debt to Thomas Kellond of Boston, merchant, for £30. The Cogswells indicate "debts of my brother John which we found paid on sergent [B]elsher's book," June 1676. On 3 May 1680, Jeremiah and Mary Belcher of Ipswich sold to Phillip Cromwell of Salem, slaughterer, four hundred and fifty acres of meadows near Haverhill line. On 3 May 1680, Jeremiah and Mary Belcher of Ipswich sold to John Cromwell two hundred and fifty acres of meadow near Haverhill, formerly mortgaged to William Reeves, "but the said debt being discharged the aforesaid land is again in my possession." On 13 July 1680, Jeremiah Belcher Sr. and Mary Belcher of Ipswich deeded to James Powlen of Salem, gunsmith, two hundred acres of meadow. On 30 September 1690, "Samuel Belcher of the Islands of Shoales" attempted to move to the house he had built and paid for, but was denied entrance "by his mother-in-law Mrs. Mary Belcher the widow and relict of his deceased father, whom he out of kindness and respect to the memory of the deceased had left in the said house." On 10 October 1692, Daniel Gould and Dorcas his wife, John Andrews and Judith his wife. Thomas Andrews and Mary his wife, Richard Belcher and Ann Belcher stated that "our father Mr. Jeremiah Belcher late of Ipswich ... deceased, ... before his marriage to our mother gave by way of jointure upon confirmation of said contract his house in Ipswich aforesaid with several lands ... entailed upon such children as should be born of our said mother in the time of their marriage together as appeareth by said jointure upon record being date ... amongst which lands is the house and land about it the grist mill ... and whereas our honored mother by said jointure hath only her natural life in it the reversion belonging to us their children, and our mother the relict of said Jeremiah having need for her support," they decided to sell the land belonging to the dwelling house. On 11 November 1692, widow Mary conveyed a lot to Samuel Belcher. On 31 March 1693, Samuel Belcher, "now resident in Ipswich, clerk," was granted administration on the estate of Jeremiah Belcher, Late of Ipswich. A fragment of his inventory, dated (torn) 1693. and presented (torn) ember 24, 1694, survives in the original probate file. His untotalled inventory contained no real estate, and included a "linen wheel." On 1 July 1721, "John Gould of Charlestown, housecarpenter, Walter Russell of Cambridge, yeoman, Daniel Gould of Charlestown, cordwainer, ... and Moses Burnam, laborer, and Thomas Andrews, yoeman, both of Ipswich, ... heirs to Mr. Jerlemiah Belcher late of lpswich," sold to "Nathaniel Adams & Samuel Adams, yeomen, both of Ipswich, ... that farm situate, lying and being in said Ipswich which formerly belonged to the aforesaid Mr. Nathaniel Belcher which farm Mr. Nathaniel Adams father of said Nathaniel and Samuel Adams died possessed of ... furthermore we do bind ourselves to defend the said Nathaniel &: Samuel Adams and their heirs and assigns in the possessionof the said premises from the heirs of Richard Belcher late of Charlestown aforesaid and the heirs of David Belcher son of said Jeremiah Belcher and from the heirs of John Andrews who married one of the daughters of said Jeremiah Belcher and from any person or persons whatsoever who shall claim any right or interest in the abovementioned premises"; signed by John Gould, Walter Russell, Daniel Gould Junior, Moses Burnam, Ann Burnham and Thomas Andrews. . He died on 31 March 1693 at the age of 80 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.1 Sergeant Jeremy BELCHER Sr. and Mary LOCKWOOD were married on 30 September 1652 in Ipswich, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.1 Mary LOCKWOOD, daughter of Edmund LOCKWOOD and Elizabeth MASTERS, was born in 1628 in Ipswich, Essex County, MA.1 She died in October 1700 at the age of 72 in Ipswich, Essex County, MA.1 Sergeant Jeremy BELCHER Sr. and Mary LOCKWOOD had the following children:
Sergeant Jeremy BELCHER Sr. and Marie CLIFFORD were married before 1639.2,3 Marie CLIFFORD was born in 1610 in Lavenham, Suffolk County, England.3 Sergeant Jeremy BELCHER Sr. and Marie CLIFFORD had the following children: