21st Generation

228. Clarence Alvin "Sandy" BRIDGERS Jr. (:) was born on 4 December 1939 in Springfield, Effingham County, GA. (He may have been born in Savannah, Chatham County, SC, but his parents were in Guyton for the April 1940 Census.) He appeared in the census in April 1940 in Guyton Township, Effingham County, GA. He appeared in the census in 1950 in Savannah, Chatham County, GA. Sandy graduated in June 1957 in Savannah, Chatham County, GA. from Savannah High School. He graduated in June 1962 in Newberry, Newberry County, SC. from Newberry College. He attended Armstrong College of Savannah in Savannah, GA for two years and then attended Newberry College for two years before obtaining his degree. He lived in Savannah, Chatham County, GA in 1995–2002. His residence was at 311 Kensington Drive. Sandy died on 25 February 2023 at the age of 83 in Savannah, Chatham County, GA. Obituary Notes: "Sandy Bridgers (Clarence Alvin, Jr.), age 83, passed into the Church Triumphant on February 25, 2023, after a long illness, surrounded by his wife of almost sixty years, Caroline Virginia Williams Bridgers, and his three sons, Charles Ronald, Michael William, and Stuart Alvin.

He was the son of the late Clarence Alvin Bridgers, Sr., and Theresa Corrie Seckinger Bridgers, born in the Seckinger-Waldhour ancestral home (later moved to the Historic Effingham Society living history site) outside of Springfield, Georgia. He grew up with his brothers and extended family while sharing time between Effingham County and the family home at the corner of Barnard and Gwinnett Streets in Savannah. He was a graduate of Savannah High School.

Sandy was a direct descendant through multiple family lines of the Salzburgers, who were Lutherans who fled religious persecution in what is now Austria and settled in Ebeneezer in the early 1730s. His father was a descendent of General Joseph Bridger, an early founder of Virginia.

He met the love of his life, Caroline, at Newberry College, where they both graduated. They were married for almost sixty years, which is forever as forever as been given to us. After short stints using his chemistry degree, he spent most of his career as a life insurance agent, certified as a Chartered Life Underwriter, for New England Life and then for MetLife. His work relationships —especially in the Effingham County area where he grew up—led to invitations for hunting, fishing, or dinner after many sales calls. He, his wife Caroline, and his family spent much time in Lands End, South Carolina, and on the Williams family farm outside of Cope, South Carolina.

He was a long-time member of the Lutheran Church of the Ascension. He served in many roles, including on the Congregation Counsel, as its President, and as caretaker of the church’s retreat center at Captain Butler’s. He participated in the Rotary Club of Savannah during most of his working life and was a member of the Georgia Salzburger Society and the German Friendly Society. In his later years, he particularly enjoyed having his three sons as visitors to the German Friendly’s annual banquet. As a young man, he was active in Savannah Jaycee’s, where he was famously photographed riding an elephant.

Beyond his wife and children, he is survived by his brothers Robert (Bobby), Neal, and Kirk; his daughters-in-law Stephanie, Andrea, and Suzanne; beloved grandchildren Alex, Samuel, Noah, Eli, Aidan, Courtlynn, and Caroline; as well as several nieces and nephews.

With his outgoing personality, he made quick friends with everyone he met.

A funeral at Ascension Lutheran in Savannah at 1 pm on Sunday, March 5."

Clarence Alvin "Sandy" BRIDGERS Jr. (:) and Caroline Virginia WILLIAMS (:) were married on 16 June 1963 in Orangeburg, Orangeburg County, SC. They met while attending Newberry College together for 2 years. Caroline Virginia WILLIAMS (:), daughter of Jack Ronald WILLIAMS and Carrie Louise SANDEL, was born on 4 June 1942 in Orangeburg, Orangeburg County, SC. She graduated in June 1960 in Orangeburg, Orangeburg County, SC. from Orangeburg High School. She graduated in June 1963 in Newberry, Newberry County, SC. from Newberry College.

Clarence Alvin "Sandy" BRIDGERS Jr. (:) and Caroline Virginia WILLIAMS (:) had the following children:



Charles Ronald BRIDGERS.



Michael William BRIDGERS (:).



Stuart Alvin BRIDGERS.