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- Leila Gabower Tiber Conversation with Gary Griggs.
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1880 Census.
- U.S. Census, Juneau County, WI, 1860 Census.
- John Bowers Research of the Gabower Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 2/4/2005, including ship manifest.
- Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book" (Taylor Publishing Company, 1984), Article 200.
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1870 Census.
- U.S. Census, Washington County, WI, 1870 Census.
- FamilySearch.org/Search Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 9/22/2022.
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1910 Census.
- Monroe County (WI) Bicentennial Committee, "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial History, 1976" (Tomah (WI) Journal Printing Company, Inc.).
- Gravestone List, Oakdale Township Cemetery, Monroe County, WI
- Marriage Registration Certificate, Copy e-mailed from John Bowers to Gary Griggs, 2/23/2004.
- "Genealogical Branches From Monroe County, Wisconsin", Volume III, Article 132.
- Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Early Deaths, 1856 to 1907".
- Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Early Marriage Registrations, 1855 to 1907".
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1920 Census.
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1930 Census.
- Leila Gabower Tiber Conversation with Gary Griggs, 8/6/2002.
- "Standard Atlas of Monroe County" (Geo. A. Ogle & Co., Publishers and Engravers, 1897).
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1900 Census.
- "Monroe County (WI) Historical Society Newsletter" (Monroe County Historical Society), September 2002.
- Beverly Griggs Drew Research of the Griggs and Kuckuck Families.
- Leila Gabower Tiber Conversation with Gary Griggs, 9/10/2002.
- Marie Drescher, Oak Grove Cemetery Association, Gravestone List, Oak Grove Cemetery, Tomah, WI, From Marie Drescher's database, sent to Gary Griggs 11/2002.
- Obituary.
- Aleta Boehm Research of the Kuckuck Family on Rootsweb.com
<http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=adbflint&id=I3693>, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 2/11/2010.
- Wisconsin State Census, Monroe County, WI, 1875 Census on FamilySearch.org.
- Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild.
- Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1925 Edition.
- Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1916 Edition.
- Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Birth Registrations, 1850-1944".
- Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1923 Edition.
- Gravestone Marker.
- Marriage Registration Certificate.
- Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information excerpted by Gary Griggs, 9/12/2003.
- Wisconsin State Census, Monroe County, WI, 1885.
- U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1940 Census.
- "Genealogical Branches From Monroe County, Wisconsin", Volume II, Article 816.
- U.S. Social Security Death Index, Researched by Gary Griggs, 2/11/2010.
- Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1923's edition alumni list.
- Gary Griggs Research of the Griggs, Pergande and Related Families.
- Aleta Boehm Research of the Kuckuck Family on Rootsweb.com
<http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=adbflint&id=I3693> , Downloaded by Gary Griggs, 6/25/2006.
- Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1917 Edition.
- Arlyn Bernhardt e-mail to Gary Griggs, "Descendants of Brice McMullen Report," 3/14/2005.
- Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1915 Edition.
- Leila Gabower Tiber Conversation with Gary Griggs, 2/16/01.
- Birth Registration Records, Information Researched by Gary Griggs, 8/18/2008.
- Muriel Bernhardt Tillman Research of the Bernhardt Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 3/12/2005.
- Leila Gabower Tiber Research of the Brown Family, Family record given to Gary Griggs, 8/7/2002.
- "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Oakdale Township, Page 77.
- Funeral Memorial Card.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, 10/31/2002.
- Class Reunion News Article, Tomah Journal, 10/25/2001.
- Gravestone List, St. Peter's Lutheran Church Cemetery, Indian Creek, Clifton Township, Monroe County, WI.
- History of Monroe County, Wisconsin--Past and Present, Including an acccount of the Cities, Towns and Villages of the County (C.R. Cooper & Co., Chicago, 1912), page 772.
- Hiram H. Griswold, Fulton, MI, 1908, "Obituaries of Friends and Relatives and Miscellaneous Items".
- Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1927 edition.
- Muriel Bernhardt Research of the Bernhardt Family.
- Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1928 edition.
- Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1930 edition.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Diamond Valley article by Leila Tiber, 1/1/2004.
- Leila Gabower Tiber Conversation with Gary Griggs, Phone conversation, 6/24/2004.
- Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted, 9/16/2003 .
- "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Lincoln Township, Page 63.
- "Tomah's 25 Years of Progress, 1927-1952" (Tomah Journal and Monitor-Herald Newspaper, Tomah, WI, 18 May 1953), Page 46.
- Obituary, Torkelson Funeral Home Website, researched by Gary Griggs, 2/12/2021.
- Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 201.
- Matt Felber Research of the Felber, Tiber, and Blaschke Families, Excerpts mailed by Leila Tiber to Gary Griggs, 12/10/2003.
- Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, 63rd Class Reunion Picture, 9/11/2008.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Diamond Valley News by Leila Tiber, 1/9/2003.
- "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Oakdale Township, Page 74.
- Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, Class reunion article and picture, 9/2/2003.
- Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, 60th class reunion article and picture, 9/2008.
- Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1937 edition.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Diamond Valley Article by Leila Tiber, 5/22/2003.
- Obituary, Tomah Journal, 7/10/2014.
- Leila Gabower Tiber Conversation with Gary Griggs, 6/24/2004.
- Obituary, Torkelson Funeral Home website, 6/15/2023.
- Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted 9/18/2003.
- Monroe County Local History Room Website Records, Researched by Gary Griggs, 6/15/2012.
- Harold Ira Root Research of the Root Family, Compiled 1992.
- Joseph E. Price Research of the Root Family, Descendants of Josiah Root, e-mailed 12/24/2001.
- Marita Root Phone Conversation with Gary Griggs, 11/12/01.
- Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted, 9/18/2003.
- U.S. Social Security Death Index , Researched by Gary Griggs, 10/19/10.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Reunion article and picture, 9/25/2003.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Diamond Valley news column by Leila Tiber, 8/7/2003.
- MyHeritage.com Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 2/3/2023.
- Leila Gabower Tiber Conversation with Gary Griggs, 11/18/2003.
- Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild, Tomah Journal, 2/16/2015.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Special Section, Tomah High School Graduates, 5/26/2005.
- Leila Gabower Tiber Research of the Brown Family.
- "Monroe County (WI) Pictorial Atlas, 1994", Oakdale Township, Page 75.
- Obituary, Sonnenburg Family Funeral Home Website, 12/10/2021.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Diamond Valley News Article by Leila Tiber, 10/16/2003.
- Heidi Mistele Zimmerman Research of the Gabower Family, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 10/27/2011.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Diamond Valley News article by Leila Tiber, 8/21/2003.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Leila Tiber's column, 5/9/2002.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Diamond Valley news article by Leila Tiber, 6/26/2003.
- Leila Gabower Tiber Conversation with Gary Griggs, 8/1/2003.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, 12/22/2005.
- Marlys Olson Waege Research of the Olson Family, Information given to Gary Griggs, 9/2001.
- Judi Betthauser De Witt Research of the Waege Family, Family Tree mailed to Gary Griggs, 12/1/2004.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, "Indian Creek News" article by Leila Tiber, 8/9/2007.
- Waege, JoAnn Research of the Waege Family, Conversation with Gary Griggs, 8/12/2013.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, "Indian Creek News" article by Leila Tiber, 10/18/2007.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Article in the "Reels Valley" news, by Luann Marten, 1/27/2005.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Diamond Valley News article by Leila Tiber, 6/14/2007.
- Tomah (WI Journal Newspaper, Leila Tiber's "Diamond Valley News" Article, 10/14/2004.
- Wedding Announcement, The Tomah Journal, 7/31/2008.