
  1. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1880 Census.
  2. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1900 Census.
  3. Marie Drescher, Oak Grove Cemetery Association, Gravestone List, Oak Grove Cemetery, Tomah, WI, From Marie Drescher's database, sent to Gary Griggs 11/2002.
  4. Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Early Deaths, 1856 to 1907".
  5. Biographical Histories of La Crosse, Monroe and Juneau Counties, Wisconsin
    (Located in the Monroe County Local History Room, Sparta, WI) (Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1892), Page 696.
  6. U.S. Census, Kewaunee County, WI, 1880 Census.
  7. U.S. Census, Kewaunee County, WI, 1900 Census.
  8. U.S. Census, Kewaunee County, WI, 1870 Census.
  9. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book" (Taylor Publishing Company, 1984), Article 33.
  10. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1910 Census.
  11. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1920 Census.
  12. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1930 Census.
  13. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1916 Edition.
  14. U.S. Census, Monroe County, WI, 1940 Census.
  15. Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Early Marriage Registrations, 1855 to 1907".
  16. Monroe County Heritage Book Committee, Jeanette Kenyon Storkel, "Monroe County, Wisconsin Heritage Book", Article 28.
  17. Pages photographed by Bill Scheer, St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ridgeville, Monroe County, WI, Church Register (Book 2--1889-1909), Confirmation Register, Page 204.
  18. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database, Information extracted, 9/10/2003.
  19. U.S. Census, Jefferson County, WI, 1900 Census.
  20. U.S. Census, Kewaunee County, WI, 1920 Census.
  21. U.S. Census, Kewaunee County, WI, 1930 Census.
  22. Harold Ira Root Research of the Root Family, Compiled 1992.
  23. Monroe, Juneau, Jackson Counties Genealogical Workshop, Inc., "Monroe County (WI) Index to Birth Registrations, 1850-1944".
  24. Harold Ira Root Research of the Root Family, Compiled 1992, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 6/4/2005.
  25. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1923's edition alumni list.
  26. U.S. Census, Whiteside County, IL, 1930 Census.
  27. U.S. Census, Whiteside County, IL, 1940 Census.
  28. Website, Researched by Gary Griggs, 1/17/2023.
  29. Howard Taft, Family Group Sheet of the Ira J. Root Family, Mailed by Harold Root to Gary Griggs, 12/20/2001.
  30. Funeral Memorial Card.
  31. Jay Root Research of the Root Family
    Most of the information is from "The Root Genealogical Records, 1600-1870," written by James Pierce Root. Info e-mailed to Gary Griggs, 8/21/2001 and 10/4/2001., 8/21/01.
  32. Family Bible, Date of birth listed on a loose sheet of paper in the Root Family Bible in possession of Dr. Thomas Elliott Root, 2002.
  33. Wisconsin State Census, Monroe County, WI, 1905 Census.
  34. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1915 Edition.
  35. Marita Root Phone Conversation with Gary Griggs, 9/9/2003.
  36. Obituary of Grandparent, Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child or Grandchild.
  37. Developed by Gary Griggs, with infomation from Marie Drescher and Bonnie Dana, July 2003, Oak Grove Cemetery Association Database.
  38. Lori Lang Research of the Gruetzmacher and Heilman Families, e-mail to Gary Griggs, 10/16/2006.
  39. Tomah (WI) High School "Hamot" Yearbook, 1930 edition.
  40. Lori Lang Research of the Gruetzmacher and Heilman Families
    , Descendant Chart e-mailed to Gary Griggs, 10/15/06 .
  41. Vera Purdy Wilde, Vera Purdy Wilde Research of the James R. Vandervort Family.
  42. Tomah (WI) Monitor-Herald Newspaper, Article about the 1942 Vandervort Picnic.