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233. Mary Elizabeth PURDY (`) (~) was born on 4 September 1849 in Royalton Township, Niagara County, NY.31,36,72,78,113 (The Greenfield Cemetery gravestone list has her birth year as 1850.) She appeared in the census in 1860 in Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.78 She appeared in the census in 1900 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.122 Mary died pulmonary tuberculosis on 1 May 1922 at the age of 72 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.36,72,113,158,159 She was buried on 4 May 1922 in Tunnel City, Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.124,159 in the Greenfield Cemetery. Mary Elizabeth PURDY (`) (~) and Albert A. DICKINSON were married on 18 May 1871 in Monroe County, WI.72,119,160,161,162 Albert A. DICKINSON, son of Hubbard Nelson DICKINSON and Martha BACON, was born on 7 April 1847 in New York.69,72,122,154,162,163 His birth parents were probably Martha and her first husband, surname Bacon. After her first husband died, Martha married Hubbard Dickinson and apparently Hubbard adopted Albert and he was given the surname Dickinson. (The 1880 Census record listed his age as 32, indicating that he was born in 1847, with a birth place of New York. The 1900 Census record for his daughter Eva indicated that he was born in Wisconsin. The 1910 Census listed his age as 63 and his birth place as New York.) About 1879 he was a farmer in Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.69,164 He owned a 140-acre farm in the east portion of Section 4. He appeared in the census in 1900 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.122 Albert appeared in the census in 1910 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.154 He died appoplexia on 4 November 1923 at the age of 76 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.72,113,159,162,165 (An article in the Monroe County Heritage Book lists the year of his death as 1940, but the Greenfield Township Cemetery gravestone list indicates it as 1923. He was not listed in the 1930 Census in Monroe County, so he may have died in 1923, not 1940.) He was buried on 7 November 1923 in Tunnel City, Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.113,124,159,162 in the Greenfield Township Cemetery. CENSUS 1880 Federal June, Greenfield, Monroe Co, Wisconsin DICKINSON, Albert age 32, head of household, Farmer, Born NY, Father born NY, Mother born Mass Mary wife age 30, wife, keep house, Born NY, Father born NY, Mother born NY Ernest, male, age 8, son, Born WI, father and mother born NY Eva, female, age 6, daughter, born WI, father and mother born NY ? female, age 2, born WI (must be Myrtle), father and mother born NY Martha, female, age 63, mother, disabled, born Mass, Father born Mass, Mother born Mass (Albert's Mother) CENSUS 1870 Federal July 12, Greenfield, Monroe Co, Wisconsin 34-34 DICKINSON, Hubbxxx, male, white, age 60, farmer labor, 400-350, born NY Male citizen of US over 21 Martha, female, white, age 55, keep house, born NY Albert, male, white, age 28, farm labor, born NY, Male citizen of US over 21 Mary Elizabeth PURDY (`) (~) and Albert A. DICKINSON had the following children: Mary Elizabeth PURDY (`) (~) and John W. BOVEE were married on 1 December 1868 in Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.153 Newspaper Article: "Robbery - On Monday last, D. C. Purdy, of the town of Greenfield, had his desk robbed of $950 in money belonging to the Town. J. W. Bovee, son-in-law of the Treasurer, being a member of the family, had access to all parts of the house, stole the money and left for parts unknown. It is supposed he took the train east from La Fayette, as the conductor says a man got on at La Fayette and paid his fare to Watertown. $100 reward is offered for the recovery of the money. February 27, 1869 [Saturday] Tomah Journal p. 4 col. 1 Newspaper Article: "$1,000 reward. The above reward will be give for the capture of the thief, J. W. Bovee and the recovery of $950 money stolen from the Town of Greenfield, or $100 will be give for the recovery of the money. His age is about 35 years; 5 feet 10 inches; a little stooped shouldered; sandy hair, and quite long sandy whiskers and moustache; light complexion. Weight, about 170 pounds. Had on black dress coat, black pants, soldier's overcoat, cloth cap or hat, bound with fur, fur collar and cat-skin gloves with muskrat gauntlets. Was last seen at Lafayette Station on Mil. And St. Paul R. R., on train going East, at 8 1-2 P.M., Feb. 22d, 1869. Address, D. C. Purdy, Greenfield, Wis. Or the Sheriff Monroe Co., Wis. Feb. 23d, 1869"
. They153 were divorced on 12 July 1870 in Monroe County, WI.153 John W. BOVEE was born (date unknown). |