Eleventh Generation

543. Lynn Woodard PURDY (`) (~) was born on 2 January 1901 in Monroe County, WI.36,107,167,212,341 He appeared in the census in 1930 in Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.168 He died on 26 June 1979 at the age of 78 in Sparta, Sparta Township, Monroe County, WI.36,107 Lynn was buried in Tunnel City, Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.107 in the Greenfield Cemetery.

Lynn Woodard PURDY (`) (~) and Mildred Vivian RYCKMAN were married.340 Mildred Vivian RYCKMAN, daughter of Angus RYCKMAN and Lillian P. JEFFERS, was born on 7 April 1905 in Monroe County, WI.212 She graduated in 1924 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.434 from Tomah High School. She appeared in the census in 1930 in Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.168 Mildred was buried in 2000 in Tunnel City, Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.107 in the Greenfield Cemetery. She died on 23 October 2000 at the age of 95 in Tunnel City, Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.107,248