Eighth Generation

200. Honorable Chauncey GRIGGS was born on 10 April 1796 in Tolland Township, Tolland County, CT.50,51,54,124 He appeared in the census in 1830 in Tolland Township, Tolland County, CT.82 His household consisted of 1 male, age under 5; 1 male, age 5-10; 1 male, age 20-30; 1 female, age 0-5; 1 female age 15-20; and 1 female, age 30-40. About 1835 he was a member of the Connecticut Legislature, Judge of Probate Court, and Justice of the Peace for 14 years in Tolland, Tolland County, CT.52 Chauncey appeared in the census in 1850 in Tolland Township, Tolland County, CT.83 His occupation was "Farmer." He died on 11 December 1866 at the age of 70 in Detroit, Wayne County, MI.52,124,125 He was buried in Detroit, Wayne County, MI.124 in the Elmwood Cemetery.

Honorable Chauncey GRIGGS and Hearty DIMMICK were married on 10 March 1822.52,125 Hearty DIMMICK, daughter of Daniel DIMMICK and Ann WRIGHT, was born on 25 December 1795 in South Coventry, Tolland County, CT.83,124,126 (Her surname may have been spelled "Dimock.") She appeared in the census in 1850 in Tolland Township, Tolland County, CT.83 She died on 6 February 1880 at the age of 84 in Detroit, Wayne County, MI.124,125 Hearty was buried in Detroit, Wayne County, MI.124 in the Elmwood Cemetery.
(Her given name may have been spelled "Hearty.")

Honorable Chauncey GRIGGS and Hearty DIMMICK had the following children:



Doctor Stephen Adelbert GRIGGS.



Frances Caroline GRIGGS.



Theodore Dimmick GRIGGS.



Colonel Chauncey Wright GRIGGS.



Anne Elizabeth GRIGGS.