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123. Clare Luen GRIGGS Sr. (~) was born on 10 July 1894 in La Grange Township, Monroe County, WI.70,257,258 He appeared in the census in 1895 in La Grange Township, Monroe County, WI.83 He appeared in the census in 1900 in La Grange Township, Monroe County, WI.103 Clare appeared in the census in 1905 in La Grange Township, Monroe County, WI.115 He appeared in the census in 1910 in La Grange Township, Monroe County, WI.116 He was living with his parents. In 1914 he was a mail carrier in La Grange Township, Monroe County, WI.259 (The birth certificate of his oldest daughter, Elva, listed his occupation as "mail carrier.") He registered for the Military Draft on 25 June 1917 in Wyeville, Byron Township, Monroe County, WI. 255,260 His occupation was "Box Packer, Round House" and his description was "Tall, slender build, blue eyes and medium brown hair." He was living in Wyeville at the time, and worked for the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. Clare appeared in the census in 1920 in Wyeville, Byron Township, Monroe County, WI.118 His household consisted of Clare and Grace and their children, Elva, age 5; Ruth, age 4; and Lyle H., age 2. They were living next door to Grace's mother, Blanche Kuckuck, her husband, Tom Cassity, and their adopted son, George. Before 1930 he was a railroad worker in Wyeville, Byron Township, Monroe County, WI. Between 1930 and 1940 he was an auto mechanic (self-employed) in Adams, Adams Township, Adams County, WI. Clare appeared in the census in 1930 in Adams, Adams Township, Adams County, WI.261 His home was located at 110 Kenwood Avenue (now Street) and his occupation was "Machinist, Garage." He appeared in the census in 1940 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.222 His household was at 1308 Stoughton Avenue and his occupation was "Truck Driver, Bottling Works." His total wages in 1939 were $600. Between 1940 and 1944 he was an auto mechanic (self-employed) in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI. Clare died on 1 September 1947 at the age of 53 in Madison, Dane County, WI.70,130,262 Obituary Notes: "Funeral services for Claire L. Griggs, who passed away Sept. 1, were held at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Sept. 4, the Rev. Robert L. Jamieson officiating. Interment was in Oak Grove Cemetery. Claire Luen Griggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Griggs, was born in the town of LaGrange on July 10, 1894, and resided there until his marriage to Grace Olive Kuckuck on October 15, 1913. He passed away at the Wisconsin General Hospital at Madison on Labor Day, 1947, after a brief illness (he suffered an intestinal obstruction due to post-operative adhesion for ulcers, with a partial stomach removal). He had been in poor health for the past 12 years. Surviving Mr. Griggs are his widow, Mrs. Grace Griggs, and seven children, Mrs. Elva Prise, Mrs. Beverly Drew, Ruth, Lyle and Carol Jenelle, all of Tomah; Harold of La Crosse, and Marine Cpl. Clair Griggs, Jr., stationed at Camp Le Jeune, N.C.; one grandchild, Ruth Anne; two sisters, Mrs. Mattie Vandervort and Mrs. Mabel Koopman, besides several nieces and nephews and a host of friends. His father, mother and three brothers preceded him in death. He was of cheerful disposition during his long years of illness and will be sadly missed by his family and friends." Clare's funeral was held at the First United Methodist Church, then located at the corner of Kilbourn Avenue and East Juneau Street. It is the oldest known church in the city of Tomah, having been organized in October 1856. He was buried on 4 September 1947 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.49,70 in the Oak Grove Cemetery (Original Plot, Block 2, Lot 70). (His marriage license spells his given name as "Clare," while his obituary and other sources spell it as "Clair" or "Claire." It is possible that his given name was derived from that of his maternal grandfather's mother, Clarrissa "Clara" Pettingill. His middle name was "Luen," but he signed it as "Louis" on his World War I draft card. He was named after his mother's brother, Luen Adelbert Griswold.) Clare Luen GRIGGS Sr. (~) and Grace Olive KUCKUCK were married on 15 October 1913 in Winona, Winona County, MN.70,263,264,265 Their witnesses were Llyve (?) Krause and Harriet G. Maybury. Grace Olive KUCKUCK, daughter of Frank Edward KUCKUCK and Blanche May STREET, was born on 24 August 1893 in La Crosse, La Crosse County, WI.70,253,266 She appeared in the census in 1895 in Greenfield Township, Monroe County, WI.83 She appeared in the census in 1900 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.103 She, her mother and her sister were living with her maternal grandfather, Henry Street, at 604 Superior Avenue. Grace appeared in the census in 1910 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.116 She was living with her grandparents, without her mother and father. She graduated in 1911 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.267 from Tomah High School. Before October 1913 she was a school teacher in Monroe County, WI.70 Grace appeared in the census in 1920 in Wyeville, Byron Township, Monroe County, WI.118 She appeared in the census in 1930 in Adams, Adams Township, Adams County, WI.261 She appeared in the census in 1940 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.222 Grace appeared in the census in 1950 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.223 She was a Widow and her household was at 1308 Stoughton. She died on 28 December 1972 at the age of 79 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.70,266 Obituary Notes: "Mrs. Grace O. Griggs, 79, died Thursday, December 28, 1972 in the Tomah Memorial Hospital (due to cancer of the bladder). Mrs. Griggs was born at La Crosse, Wis., on August 24, 1893, the daughter of Frank E. Kuckuck and Blanche Street Kuckuck. She was married to Claire R. Griggs on October 15, 1913. She was a lifelong resident of Tomah. Prior to her marriage, she was a school teacher in the Town of Byron and Town of Little Falls schools. She was also a member of the Tomah Rebekah Lodge, the Past Noble Grand Club of the Lodge, and the First United Methodist Church of Tomah. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Elva (Emil) Prise of Tomah, Mrs. Ruth (Marvin) Neubauer of Madison, Mrs. Beverly (Oliver) Drew of Tomah, and Mrs. Carol (Arlen) Roeske of Sparta; two sons, Lyle of Tomah and Claire, Jr., of Greendale, Wis.; one sister, Mrs. Gladys Goff of Sparta; and two half-brothers, Frederick Kuckuck of Fond du Lac and Frank E. Kuckuck of Oakdale; also 13 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Claire, a son, Harold C. Griggs and a half-sister, Mrs. Eleanore Kuckuck Lamb. Funeral services were held at 1:30 PM on Saturday, December 30, 1972 in the First United Methodist Church, Rev. Arnold Nielsen officiating. She is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery." She was buried on 30 December 1972 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.49,70,266 in the Oak Grove Cemetery (Original Plot, Block 2, Lot 70). Clare Luen GRIGGS Sr. (~) and Grace Olive KUCKUCK had the following children: +149 | i. | Elva Marguerite GRIGGS (~). | +150 | ii. | Ruth Mae GRIGGS (~). | 151 | iii. | Lyle Henry GRIGGS (~) was born on 8 June 1917 in Wyeville, Byron Township, Monroe County, WI.70 He appeared in the census in 1920 in Byron Township, Monroe County, WI.118 He appeared in the census in 1930 in Adams, Adams Township, Adams County, WI.261 Lyle graduated in 1935 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.268 from Tomah High School. He appeared in the census in 1940 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.222 He was living with his parents and his occupation was "Substitute Mail Clerk, Post Office." He served in the military between 1941 and 1943.269 Article from the Tomah Journal Newspaper, November 24, 1942:"The following interesting letter was recently received by a local man, Pfc. Lyle H. Griggs, who is stationed somewhere in England. This was a V-mail letter and was dated Nov. 12, which indicates that mail service between the two countries is improving. Following is the letter: 'As you've probably heard by this time, I'm over here in jolly old England and getting to be more of an Englishman than some of the natives themselves. Instead of 'lemon coke' it's 'a tea please.' (Pronounced 'tay'.) I have to admit they know how to brew it, and it isn't the grade of tea they're used to, either; it is very good, regardless. We also are able to get coffee, but it is mostly substitutes and not very good. I sent a letter to the Saltaires and Brambles the other day, advising them of my arrival here, but it is too early to expect an answer. (Our mail is very slow in coming, so far. I have received one V-mail letter from my folks.) I am working for a pass to go visit them this weekend if possible. They live a short distance below London, so maybe I'll get a chance to see both. I imagine both camps are filled now and you have your hands full serving the clamoring mob. I know; I'm one of them and just as bad. Sincerely, Lyle' " Lyle was a medic in the Army. Within a month of writing this letter from England, he was in North Africa. Between 1947 and 1972 Lyle was an Assistant Postmaster in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.70 He appeared in the census in 1950 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.223 He was living with his mother and his occupation was "Clerk, Post Office." He died on 17 December 1990 at the age of 73 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.70 Obituary Notes: "Lyle H. Griggs passed away (of a ruptured appendix and a blood clot) at Tomah Memorial Hospital on Monday, December 17, 1990. He was born June 8, 1917 in Wyeville to Clare and Grace Kuckuck Griggs. He worked at the Tomah post office for 35 years and was acting assistant postmaster before his retirement in 1972. He was a veteran of World War II, serving in Italy with the medics. He was a lifelong member of the Odd Fellows, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Tomah Lions Club, a charter member of the Hiawatha Golf Club and a longtime member of the First United Methodist Church in Tomah. His hobbies were golfing, the outdoors, music, flowers and family gatherings and traveling. He is survived by three sisters, Elva (Emil) Prise of Tomah, Beverly (Oliver) Drew of Tomah and Carol (Arlan) Roeske of Sparta; one brother, Clare of Madison; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, one brother, Harold C., and one sister, Ruth May, one niece, Ruth Ann Griggs Johnson, and one nephew, Gregory Griggs. Funeral services will be held Friday, December 21 at the First United Methodist Church at 1:30 PM. Rev. Wesley Shirmer will officiate. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery." Lyle was buried on 21 December 1990 in Tomah, Tomah Township, Monroe County, WI.49,70 in the Oak Grove Cemetery (Original Plot, Block 6, Lot 71). Next to his gravestone is a 10' obelisk containing the name Griggs, and containing the inscription, "Tomah Lodge No. 178, I.O.O.F. April 26, 1891." The monument was erected by the International Order of Odd Fellows, in memory of Lyle. | +152 | iv. | Harold Clarence "Bud" GRIGGS (~). | +153 | v. | Beverly Jane GRIGGS (~). | +154 | vi. | Clare Luen "Junior" GRIGGS Jr. (~). | +155 | vii. | Carol Jenelle GRIGGS (~). |