32nd Generation

463. Mary Lula SHAW was born on 14 May 1943 in Sparta, Sparta Township, Monroe County, WI.44,100 She died on 26 December 2001 at the age of 58 in La Crosse, La Crosse County, WI.100 She was buried on 29 December 2001 in Valley Junction, Byron Township, Monroe County, WI.100 in the Wood Cemetery.

Mary Lula SHAW and Willis H. AMES were married on 20 December 1965 in Camp Douglas, Cutler Township, Juneau County, WI.100 Willis H. AMES was born (date unknown).

Mary Lula SHAW and Willis H. AMES had the following children:



Joseph AMES was born (date unknown).



Gloria AMES.



Josephine AMES was born (date unknown).