Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | First Generation1. (The 1850 Census listed his birth place as Connecticut, and the 1860 as Massachusetts. The 1880 Census for his son Edward and the 1900 and 1910 for his son Joseph listed it as Ohio. His several military records listed it as Canada.) . He appeared in the census in 1850 in Kelleys Island, Erie County, OH.6,7 He was living in the farm household of Edmund Ward and his wife, Nancy (Titus) Ward. No family connection has been established between Asa and the Wards, but the research continues. Asa's occupation was "Laborer." . He appeared in the census in 1860 in Byron, Ogle County, IL.2 His occupation was "Farmer." . Asa served in the military between September 1862 and April 1863 in Tennessee.5 Various military records indicate that joined the U.S. Army on 12 August 1862 and died on 22 April 1863, while serving in the Civil War. . His untitled death report states: "I certify, on honor, that Asa P. Williams, a Private of Captain H. J. Smith, Company 'B' of the 92nd Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, of the State of Illinois, born in Canada, State of Canada, aged 40 yrs; 5 feet 6 1/2 inches high; Dark complexion, Blue eyes, Dark hair, and by occupation a Farmer, having joined the company on its original organization at Byron, Ill., and enrolled in it at the muster into the service of the United States at Rockford, Ill., on the Fourth day of September, 1862... to serve a term of Three Years; and having served honestly and faithfully with his Company in the Fields to the date of his death which occurred on the 22nd day of April 1863 in Gen'l Hospital No. 16, Nashville, Tenn. The said Asa P. Williams was last paid by Paymaster Daniel McCook to include the 28th day of February 1863 and has pay due from that time to the date of his ..., which occurred on the 22nd day of April 1863 at Nashville, Tenn., by reason of Pneumonia. He has received from the United States clothing amounting to thirty three and no/100 dollars, since the date of enlistment of Aug. 1862. He has received from the United States Twenty Five and 00/100 dollars advanced bounty. Given in Duplicate, at Concord, N. Carolina, this 12th day of June 1865." (signed) "Henry C. Cooling, 1st Lieutenant, Commanding Company" His military "Inventory Record" states: "Inventory of the effects of Asa P. Williams late a Private of Captain Horace J. Smith, Company "B" of the 92nd Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, who was enrolled as a Private at Byron in the State of Illinois on the 12th day of August 1862 and mustered into the service of the United States as a Private on the 4th day of September 1862 at Rockford, Ill. in Company "B" 92nd Regiment of Illinois Volunteers, to serve Three years or during the war; he was born in Canada in the state of Canada; he was 40 years of age, 5 feet 6 1/2 inches high, Dark complexion, Blue eyes, Dark hair, and by occupation, when enrolled, ... (portion of the document missing)... Nashville, Tenn, on the 22nd day of April 1863, by reason of Pneumonia." The Inventory stated that there were "No effects." (signed) "Henry C. Cooling, 1st Lieut., Commanding the Company." His "Casualty Sheet" states: "Name: Asa P. Williams; Rank: Priv. Company: B; Regiment: 92; Arm: Inf.; State: Ill.; Nature of Casualty: Death; Cause of Casualty: Pneumonia; By whom Certified: Capt. H. J. Smith; Date of Death: April 22, 1865; Place of Death: Nashville, Tenn." (signed by) "Edwin Turner, Clerk." An untitled largely-handwritten hospital document states: "I, J. S. Giltnes, on honor, certify that Asa P. Williams, Company B, 92 Regiment Illinois Vol. Infantry, died in this hospital on 22nd day of April 1863, of Typhoid Pneumonia, contracted in the Service of the Government and his proper line of Duty. My knowledge of the above facts is obtained from the following source: from the books and Records of this hospital. Respectively, J S. Giltnes, A.A. Surgeon ... in Charge" His "Record of Death and Interment" states that he died in "Hospital No. 16" while serving as a "Private, Co. 'B,' 92nd Ill. His residence before enlistment was "Byron, Ogle Co., Ill." He was married and his widow lived in "Byron, Ogle Co., Ill." He died of "Pneumonia" at age 40, with "Nativity" of Canada. His "Date of Death and Burial" was "April 23rd, 1863." Asa P. WILLIAMS and Matilda D. WILLIAMS were married on 3 December 1851 in Kelleys Island, Erie County, OH.1,3,9,10,11 Their hand-written marriage certificate states: "Asa P. Williams & Matilda Williams. The State of Ohio, Erie County, Kelley's Island, Dec 9, 1851. I hereby certify that on the third day of December A.D. 1851, I solemnized the marriage of Asa P. Williams and Matilda Williams. Geo. C. Huntington, Justice of the Peace. Recorded Dec 9, 1851."
. . She appeared in the census in 1850 in Perkins Township, Erie County, OH.6 She and her sister Lucinda were living in the household of her mother and step-father, Allen Fox. . She appeared in the census in 1860 in Byron, Ogle County, IL.2 She was still living in Byron when her husband was killed in the Civil War in 1863, . Matilda appeared in the census in 1870 in Elkhorn, Walworth County, WI.12 She was a widow and her occupation was "Keeps House." Her 5 children were living with her. She appeared in the census in 1880 in Wilton, Wilton Township, Monroe County, WI.4,7 She was living in the household of Anna Beck, and was described as her "Sister-in-Law." Their exact relationship is not known. Matilda's occupation was "Keeping House" and her children son Joseph and daughter Angelina were living with her. . She appeared in the census in 1900 in Fulton, Fulton Township, Whiteside County, IL.9 She was living with her son Joseph and his family. Matilda appeared in the census in 1910 in Freeport, Freeport Township, Stephenson County, IL.3 She was living with her son Joe and his family. . She died on 27 September 1910 at the age of 83 in Freeport, Freeport Township, Stephenson County, IL.1,11 Obituary Notes from the Freeport Daily Bulletin, 9/27/1910: "Mrs. Matilda Williams, who resided at the home of her son, J. W. Williams, 161 Clark Avenue, died this morning at 2:30 of old age and complications, after a brief illness. Deceased was born at Rochester, N.Y., September 13, 1827, and at the age of two years moved with her parents to Kelly's Island, Ohio, at which place she was married Dec. 3, 1851, and moving shortly after to Chicago, where they resided for several years. They came to this city six years ago. She is survived by two sons, J. W. Williams of this city, and James Edward Williams of Tomah, Wis.; two sisters, Mrs. Lasisda Haskell of Byron, and Mrs. R. Lockwood of Portland, Oregon. She was a member of the Methodist church of Elkhorn. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from the residence at 2:30 and at 3 o'clock from the First Methodist church, Rev. E. C. Lumsden will officiate. Interment will be in the city cemetery." . She was buried on 28 September 1910 in Freeport, Freeport Township, Stephenson County, IL.8 in the Freeport City Cemetery. Asa P. WILLIAMS and Matilda D. WILLIAMS had the following children: