Ninth Generation

25. Ransom WOODARD was born on 22 May 1815 in Champion Township, Jefferson County, NY.1,19 He appeared in the census in 1820 in Champion Township, Jefferson County, NY.4 He appeared in the census in 1830 in Champion Township, Jefferson County, NY.5 Ransom signed a will on 16 January 1849.19
Copy received from Jackie Woodard:

Will of Ransom Woodard written 16 Jan 1849: In part reads: "Secondly after my first debts are paid I will to my sister Prudy Smith the sum of Twelve pounds ten Shillings to be paid
to her out of my estate by my Executors One year after my desease.

Third I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah the remainder of my Estate bouth Real and Personal consisting of North part of Lot No 23rd in 7th Consesion of Norwich contaning fifty acres and Southeast part of Lot No. 24th in 6th Consension of Norwich containing forty acres., County District and Province aforesaid and the personal property comprising of houses Nest Stock farming utentials and Household Furniture to have and to hold the same her heirs assigns forever.

Subject nevertheless to the Comfortable Support of my Father Rutsie Woodard during his
natural Life in the above described premicies so long as he is well provided for and at any time that he is not well provided for that he may draw his Suport from the same. "
He died on 16 January 1850 at the age of 34 in Norwich Township, Oxford County, NY.8,9,19 His gravestone incscription reads: "In memory of Ransom Woodward, who died Jan 16 1850 aged 34 yrs 7 mos 25 days"

Ransom WOODARD and Sarah UNKNOWN (WOODARD) were married.19 Sarah UNKNOWN (WOODARD) was born (date unknown).